MIT Game Changing Vaccine: Recently, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have discovered a new and unique way of contraception that women can avoid conceiving without bullets or any surgery. This vaccine contains subtle crystals that are injected into the body and release hormones to prevent prolonged pregnancies.
This new vaccine can be solved by that many women are struggling. Till now, the option of contraceptive injection or transplant was available but their process was a bit complicated. Now with the help of this new vaccine, women can inject their home comfortably, without any medical procedure. This vaccine is in the form of micro crystals that are collected under the skin and release the hormones in the woman's body, so that the egg is not fertilized.
The biggest advantage of this vaccine is that it remains effective for a long time. The effect of this drug continued for at least 97 days in testing on mice. Scientists believe that with the help of this vaccine, birth control pills will not be required and women will not have to conduct any procedure again and again.
According to MIT co-writer Dr. Jiovani Traveerso, this medicine can be taken comfortably at home. The biggest advantage of this will be that it can become a great option for women who do not have time to take pills daily or go to any doctor. This will be effective especially in areas where there is a shortage of health services.
Scientists believe that it can be useful not only for contraception but also in other serious diseases such as HIV, TB, schizophrenia and long -term pain. With this new medicine, scientists have thought of moving forward on humans for its testing and they are very optimistic about its effects.
This new discovery is an important step, which not only presents better health options for women, but it can be a relief for people with limited access to health services worldwide. Now it will be interesting to see when this vaccine will start testing on humans and what are its results.
This discovery is expected not only to bring revolution in the field of contraceptive, but it can also prove to be helpful in treating other serious diseases in the future. This type of health innovation will definitely prove to be very important in the coming times.