Live Hindi News:- Do you want to make your skin clean and smooth? Can your hair be silky, strong and bright? All this is possible without spending thousands of rupees in a salon! I look at hundreds of young women who are looking for immediate solutions for their skin and hair problems. However, the truth is that natural remedies do not show overnight effect. The seeds of a plant also require care and nutrition to grow.
We live in the world of a quick solution, but some things take time. Festivals such as Durga Puja, Karvachauth, and during Diwali, skin and hair need to look healthy and shiny. In this article, I have shared some effective and natural remedies that can make your skin and hair spectacular.
1. For dull and oily skin: Massage the face with iced yogurt and sprinkle some sugar. Rub slowly with orange peel and wash it with iced water.
2. For tired and dry skin: Massage with papaya, then make scrub with oats and honey. Wash with cold milk.
3. For smooth back: Mix 1 cup sea salt in half a cup of olive oil and add sandalwood oil. Use it as a scrub.
4. For Eye Bag and Dark Circle: Keep the used chamomile tea bags in the freezer and massage the eyes with cucumber pieces.
5. Instant Face Lift: Wash face with ice water or apply honey, then apply egg white.
6. For tired eyes: Add rose water and honey to iced spring water and immerse the eyes.
7. For curly hair: Boil lemon slices in water and spray.
8. For natural hair color: Boil the henna twigs in black tea and mix in shampoo.
9. Quick hair care: Sprinkle talcum and amla powder on the hair.
These remedies can be beneficial for you, but they should not be adopted in place of regular care.