Important rules and precautions to keep fasting during Ramadan
News Update March 26, 2025 08:24 AM

Importance of Ramadan

रमजान के दौरान रोजा रखने महत्वपूर्ण नियम और सावधानियाँ सावधानियाँ

Live Hindi News:- The month of Ramadan holds special significance in Islam, as it is the time when the Quran was descended on Prophet Mohammed in 610 AD. Keeping Rosa in this month is one of the five pillars of Islam, including Kalma, Namaz, Zakat, Rosa and Hajj. Allah accepts the prayers of Rojedar in this holy month and during this time the sins are also forgiven. In this article, we will tell you what things should be kept in mind during Ramadan so that your fast is not Makrooh and not broken. At the same time, we will also know for which reason does not break.

Due to breaking of fasting

Rosa can break due to these reasons

– Intentionally vomiting causes Roja to break.
– Rosa is broken by taking stare injection.
-We are breaking the fast due to we are bed.
– Rosa is broken by chewing, lying and doing wrong things.
– If the Rojedar deliberately eats something, then his fast breaks.
– The food trapped in the teeth also deliberately swallowing the fast.
– Consuming cigarettes or tobacco while keeping fasting breaks Rosa.

Because of Rosa Makrooh

Due to these reasons, fasting can be Capricorn

Being Rosa Makrooh means to do such tasks in the state of fasting which are disliked in the body.
– In the event of fasting, the fasting removes the tooth.
– If any such work is done that starts bleeding from the mouth, then Rosa becomes Capricorn.
– Wearing wet clothes can cause Rosa Capricorn.
– Chewing anything without need causes Makrooh.
– Flowing without spit without need also causes Makrooh.
– Capricorn also causes Makrooh by brushing or coal.
– Rosa is Makrooh due to playing songs.

Not due to breakdown

Rosa does not break from these things

– Missing Neem has no effect on fast.
– Rosa does not break by applying any kind of fragrance.
– If Rojedar eats food to avoid any harm, Rosa does not break.
-Even after eating something by eating something, Rosa does not break.
– If something is forcefully put in the circle of Rojedar and it swallows, the fast does not break.
– Swallowing mouth water does not break the fast.
– If you want to eat any delicious food, it does not break the fast even by swallowing that water.
– Smells smelling, pouring medicine in the eyes, vomiting or returning to fast.
– By accidentally spit and swallowing mucus, if the blood comes from the teeth, provided the blood does not fall in the circle, the fasting does not break.

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