There is relief news for the traders and crores of investors working in the stock market. The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has postponed its plan to change its derivative expiry date from Thursday to Monday for the time being. Because SEBI has advised the exchanges not to change the schedule until the new policy is implemented. In fact, on Thursday, SEBI issued a consultation paper proposing that the expiry date could be Tuesday or Thursday. Earlier, NSE had proposed to keep the expiry date on Monday instead of Thursday, which was to be implemented from April 4.
SEBI's advice to exchanges
According to a Moneycontrol report, a source said, "SEBI in a letter to the exchanges has advised not to go ahead with the plan to change the expiry day and maintain the status quo for the time being." Sources further said that NSE may soon issue a circular announcing that it is maintaining the status quo.
NSE had also announced that it will shift the F&O expiry for Bank Nifty, FinNifty, Nifty Midcap Select, and Nifty Next50 from the current Thursday to the last Monday of the expiry month.
"Exchanges were changing expiry dates as per their convenience, without considering that this may create confusion for traders and investors," this source said. NSE had also announced that it will shift the F&O expiry for Bank Nifty, FinNifty, Nifty Midcap Select, and Nifty Next50 from the current Thursday to the last Monday of the expiry month.
Sebi has also proposed in the consultation letter that exchanges will now have to obtain prior approval of the regulator to introduce or revise the expiry or settlement date of any contract.
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