Brother, there are some people in the summer, whose hands are always full of sweat, due to which Palmer hyper hydrosis can also be done and we also speak more sweating with hands and excessive sweating with hands makes us feel embarrassed in society, that is why many times we also avoid joining hands with people.
Sweating with hands is not a problem, but every day it is very difficult for those who have this problem, there are small parts in our hands, which are called sweet gland in medical language, which if the heat increases in our body, then takes the body to cool the body, but many times or some times or some time, our hands are always freeing.
Some people also feel that what will happen due to sweating with hands is also good to some extent, but if sweat starts coming out, then we will have trouble. Just as the page gets wet while writing notes in school, notes are noticed at the shop at the time of counting money, the screen is always wet with sweat while running the mobile. By the way, all these are small things, but because of this, we also start messaging in front of people, even some people are distance from joining hands.
Till now you have seen why these sweat comes in the hands, but now we also see what is its treatment. First of all, you will have to improve drinking your food. Garam-hot parathas, pungent vegetables, or more tea-coffee will have to work or stop all these things either. Take cold things instead, such as curd, lassi, lemonade, or fruit. And drink water as much as a day, you have to drink at least 8-10 glasses, so that the body remains cold from inside and washing hands with cold water again and again, especially when we come from outside and even before going to bed at night, put a pinch of salt in light lukewarm water and put a pinch of salt in light water and keep our hands immersed for 15 to 20 minutes.
Apart from this, put gulab jamun in sandalwood powder and apply light hands and keep it for 10 to 15 minutes, it keeps our hands cool and if not done.
If you can wash your hands with water boil in water, this method can also prove to be very beneficial, especially if the smell comes from the hands.
Note: – This is not a doctor's opinion, if you are troubled by this, then take a doctor's opinion once.