Anyone who earns above £20,000 a year and self-employed, including landlords and those who pay their tax using self assesement, will be affected by a major upcoming tax deadline change.
The Chancellor confirmed the final date on which self-employed workers and landlords with annual income of above £20,000 had to comply with the government's Making Tax Digital (MTD) system.
MTD is an intiative which means businesses have to use a digital system to keep tax records, submit tax data and make payments.
In her budget last autumn, Ms Reeves said sole traders and landlords with incomes above £50,000 would have until April 2026 to comply with the tax changes, while those with incomes above £30,000 had until April 2027. On Wednesday, during her Spring Budget, she confirmed the deadline for those with incomes above £20,000 would be April 2028.
MTD has already been rolled out among VAT-registered businesses and is slowly being extended to all businesses who pay their tax directly to
Most companies and sole traders who use accounting software will be able make the switch, those who do not will need to make sure they have the right software in place. Most applications are MTD compliant.
There are around 4.39 million self-employed workers in the UK and about 2.8 million landlords, 90% of which are private landlords renting a single property.
You'll need to use Making Tax Digital for Income Tax if all of the following apply:
Your qualifying income is the total gross income that you get in a tax year from self-employment and property.
Find out what's included in your .
may consider granting an exemption if there's something that prevents you from complying fully with the scheme's requirements.
Your business might be exempt if, for example:If you feel your business may be exempt from MTD, you need to .