Wife-beating Pakistani rapist should be deported so he can get treatment he deserves
Reach Daily Express March 29, 2025 09:39 PM

A convicted Pakistani paedophile has been allowed to stay in Britain (on human rights grounds, obviously) because he's a raging alcoholic. This absurd decision was made by an asylum tribunal that said, if he was returned to , he'd likely end up in jail there and would face "degrading and inhuman treatment" - which is precisely what paedophiles deserve.

This animal has also been convicted of another sexual assault here, of beating his wife and assaulting emergency workers. The tribunal was told he's a danger to the community but still he was granted anonymity to protect HIM from abuse. So this loony asylum tribunal reckons a paedophile's human rights trump those of the innocent children he will almost certainly go onto abuse while blind drunk, as well as his poor wife and anyone else who gets in his way.

The Home Office has applied to an upper tribunal to try and overturn the verdict. Why the hell does the Government have to go crawling to these biased, partisan tribunals when they're protecting paedophiles?

The Government should just say "To Hell with the Human Rights Act" and deport him.

Other countries do it - why aren't we?


Meghan reckons her new business initiatives will make her a billionaire. Okay, what are those initiatives? She's selling jam, clothes and make-up and her brand, As Ever, is selling food, kitchen stuff and dried biscuit mixes online.

This can't be the woman who said she was never interested in money but wanted to save the world, fight the feminist fight, smash the patriarchy and fight racism and sexism?

Instead, the great Warrior Queen has dumped all that and plumped for the role of trad wife selling jam, biscuit mixes and cooking from a house where she doesn't live to promote a lifestyle brand. If there's a feminist message in there I'm not seeing it.

So maybe it was always just about the money?


has had more coaches than National Express. The stroppy madam has binned off seven in just four years. The latest one, Slovakian Vlado Platenik, lasted just 14 days. Ms Raducanu needs to ask herself if it's the coaches who are the problem - or her.

Maybe if she'd devoted less time to her multi-million pound sponsorship deals and more to her tennis she wouldn't be looking washed up at 22.


Thug ex- footballer Joey Barton was convicted of booting his wife Georgia in the head - but spared jail. So you can get two years for a hurty tweet but you kick the mother of your kids in the head, while they children are sleeping upstairs, and you get a 12-week suspended sentence and a fine?

Former Man City player Barton, who's appealing the sentence, revels in his tough guy image. He's got two criminal convictions for violence and was charged with violent conduct three times by the FA.

But how tough is it to kick a woman in the head? I'd say it's pretty much the definition of a snivelling coward!


What did those two silly beggar RAF engineers think they were doing beating up a Paddington Bear statue? It hardly makes them tough guys trying to rough up a lump of fibreglass that can't fight back.

Daniel Heath and William Lawrence, both 22-year-old engineers at RAF Odiham in Hampshire, had first tried to rip Paddington Bear off the bench to which he was attached. Then they started battering him till he split in two.

In giving them a 12-month community order judge Sam Goozee said: "Paddington Bear is a beloved cultural icon with children and adults alike. He represents kindness, tolerance and promotes integration and acceptance in our society."

Everything these two bozos don't!

We can only thank God they choose to be RAF engineers, not flyers, if they come off worst in a fight with a statue.


The zealots are beyond moronic. They've achieved nothing other than to irritate an entire nation and turn people away from all matters eco. Their infantile protests actually caused pollution and they stopped sick people getting to hospital. They became so exasperated at their own failures that, in desperation, they started to throw soup at works of art and deface buildings.

But the kicker came when they were sent to jail - some for four years - and the little trust funders in JSO just couldn't hack that. So they've disbanded claiming it was THEM who got the Government to stop all oil and gas licences.

No it wasn't, you bozos. That happened because Labour already has its own resident zealot, Ed Miliband, whose days are numbered now thanks to his own extremism, his cock-ups (and lies) about cheaper energy bills, and the fact he'd rather buy solar panels made by Chinese slaves than buy British.


Prince Harry's charity, Sentebale - which he has just run away from (sorry, resigned) - is being accused of misogyny, racism, sexism and discrimination against black women by its chair, Dr Sophie Chandauka, who the charity tried to sack after losing confidence in her.

But Sophie, an Oxford-educated Zimbabwean lawyer, is no pushover and took a very public dig at Harry this week (without actually naming him) saying: "There are people in the world who behave as if they are above the law and mistreat people and then play the victim card and use the very Press they disdain to harm people who have the courage to challenge their conduct."

OUCH! And how damaging for Harry - the man who accused the royal family of racism and insisted his marriage had made him acutely aware of unconscious race bias. Yes, it's made him see racism everywhere - except maybe in his own charity?


A new poll says 22% of people can't identify a Robin and would struggle to name a badger, a dragonfly, squirrels, types of deer and moths. Who are these people? Oh hang on, they're the ones who never go out and whose heads are forever buried in their stupid phones!


Commons speaker Lindsay Hoyle - the man whose nickname is 'Long Haul' Hoyle - says the 19 luxury trips costing £250,000 he's made since the end of 2022 were all absolutely vital for his job. Oh, and they were also to help Ukraine. Save it Mr Hoyle, no one's buying it. Literally no-one!

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