Make your air travel fun, know what is roadlogging…….
Sandy Verma July 27, 2024 07:24 AM

. Catch flights, not feelings. This catchy phrase has lost most of its appeal due to its overuse on social media. Let's flip the script then. This is where rawdogging comes in. Now before your head goes off in an unexpected direction, let's stop you right there. The Hawaiian connotation of rawdogging has nothing to do with the Gen Z meaning of the term. It's actually quite uneventful. In fact, that's the whole premise of this trend.

What is Rawdogging? The trend is meant to be fun. But, rawdogging is all about the challenge. So what is it all about? To put it very simply, those who take up the challenge are expected to do nothing – absolutely nothing. That’s it. That’s the challenge. There are those who enjoy flying to the fullest, an experience that is filled with plenty of in-flight entertainment options. Be it food, drinks, books, music, the options are literally endless. There is also the allure of taking photos and chatting and flying itself seems like a lot of fun. Rawdogging throws all of these things to the wind. To be clear, you are not even allowed to have free food and drinks. Tough. What does that mean?

Our fast-paced lives, much of which is now facilitated by technology, demand that we be on some kind of screen almost every waking hour. With the sheer use of information and awareness available at our fingertips, our brains have almost lost sensitivity to the virtues of stillness. Roadlogging essentially puts a full stop to this. Being still, doing nothing, and being immersed in your own thoughts often feels like going to jail. But it will only feel that way until it does. At its best, this trend is something that presents itself as a voluntary attempt to be comfortable with total silence and only your own thoughts. While it appears to be a sincere attempt at character development (?), there is a slight chance that things could potentially get out of hand. Is it okay to join in on this trend? While pushing yourself to fly without entertainment is kind of like a mini-mood

While flying can serve as a detox session that can really relax your brain, it doesn’t seem like a great idea if you are someone who is scared of flying. Additionally, the therapeutic aspect of this trend only works if you are someone who doesn’t struggle with conditions like OCD and anxiety. Facing your thoughts forms the basic foundation of therapy and doing so, without any support, while hanging in the air at an altitude of 11,000 meters can cause panic attacks. Rowdogging sounds fun? But try it at your own risk.

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