This 200-year-old banyan tree in Buxar, Bihar, is well-liked by the locals
Arpita Kushwaha July 27, 2024 03:27 PM

Being among the oldest tree species, banyan trees have been the subject of both positive and negative tales due to their lengthy lifespan. They have existed for many millennia. In addition to having religious significance in India, the ever-growing banyan tree represents everlasting life. Due to its ability to cure spiritually and physically, this tree is regarded by many Hindus as the most revered and holy tree. In Buxar, Bihar, there is a 200-year-old banyan tree that produces chilly air similar to that of an air conditioner. Let’s learn more about this tree today.

In Buxar, next to the Shiva shrine of Kancheshwar Dham, lies a massive banyan tree. The tree’s unique quality lies in its 200-year age. Here, the devout flock to fervently adore the tree. Both residents and tourists find it admirable and pay attention to it. Under its limbs, this tree produces a calm, pleasant atmosphere.

The people who live there say they have never seen a tree like it anywhere else. The tree has been meticulously protected by the people. People find shelter beneath it during the sweltering summer months, when the temperature noticeably drops. It feels as cool as an air conditioner under the tree.

This tree may be seen in Buxar, close to the Shiva temple of Kanchaneshwar. Locals claim that they have never seen a tree like this. There are rumors that this tree has mythical significance. Its roots have extended everywhere, and trees have sprouted from it to enormous heights. The people’s faith has allowed the tree to be meticulously kept.

According to Pandit Nityananda Pandey, there is mythical importance to this tree. Visitors to the Shiva temple also prostrate themselves here and unwind. Its existence emphasizes how crucial it is to protect these natural treasures, particularly in view of the threats posed to green areas by urbanization and climate change.

The banyan tree serves as a live reminder of nature’s amazing powers as a result.

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