Lifestyle: No need to starve to lose weight | News India – ..
News Update September 08, 2024 03:24 AM

People who gain too much weight try various ways to reduce their weight. Today we are going to tell you many ways to reduce weight without dieting. Let’s find out.

When you think of losing a few kilos, you definitely decide to give up your favourite foods. But diet can help you maintain a healthy weight. There are many other ways that can help in your weight loss process. Losing weight is easy if you put in the proper dedication and focus. You can do this without depriving yourself of delicious food. Learn ways to achieve your weight loss goals without dieting.

Exercise is important

Physical exercise is very important if you are trying to lose some kilos. Your body needs to burn the extra calories you take in. There is no better way to lose weight than regular exercise or any form of physical activity. Eating less and being active is not the best combination for weight loss. So, if you want to continue eating well, stick to regular exercise.

Practice mindful eating

Although you cannot give up your favourite food, you must pay attention to your eating habits. Make sure you do not eat more than your stomach can handle. If you want to lose weight, eat according to your capacity, not your desire.

chew food properly

It is important that you take small bites of your food and chew it properly. This will benefit your digestion. Not only this, it will also help you avoid overeating. Chewing food slowly helps your body absorb more food. It also keeps you away from other high-calorie foods.

drink plenty of water

Eating too much can be harmful to your weight. To avoid this, you should always drink plenty of water before meals. This will not only reduce your thirst but will also make you feel full for a longer period of time, making you eat less.

Reduce stress levels

Stress and anxiety can be active triggers for overeating and disordered eating, leading to unhealthy weight gain. It produces a hormone called cortisol that increases your appetite. This can lead you to overeating. So, if you feel you have gained a lot of weight recently, keep a check on your stress levels and engage in positive activities to free your mood.

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