Parenting: Many couples who have become parents for the first time do not know when to stop bottle feeding their baby. Today this article is trying to solve this problem of hundreds of couples. For this we are Dr. Angel Mother and Child Care Center's Senior Pediatrician. Know from Ajit Kumar at what age should the baby be stopped from bottle feeding?

When to stop bottle feeding?
Experts believe that bottle feeding should be stopped between 12 and 18 months of age. According to WebMD, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) agrees that bottle feeding should be stopped by this age. There may be several reasons responsible for this.

Prevention of dental problems
When bottle feeding, the milk comes in contact with the baby's teeth, which can lead to cavities and other dental problems. The sugar in the milk can damage teeth, especially if the baby sleeps with a bottle at night.

Healthy Eating Habits
When babies are bottle-fed, they do not show any interest in food. This can lead to a lack of nutrition in them. Weaning babies from the bottle helps them develop an interest in food, which is essential for their overall development.

Bottle feeding can affect a child's independence. Learning to drink from a cup helps a child develop a sense of independence and self-reliance.

Tips for weaning your baby off the bottle
1). Make changes gradually. Do not force the child to do this.

2). Choose a time for weaning from the bottle when your baby prefers to do things on his own.

3). Use a cup. For this you can use cartoon cups of different colors.

4). Praise and encourage. When the child drinks milk or water from the cup, praise and encourage him.