3 Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On September 17, 2024
News Update September 17, 2024 04:24 AM

It’s Tuesday, September 17, 2024, and daily horoscopes look mighty good for three zodiac signs. Cosmically speaking, we’ve got a rather powerful astrology forecast doing the work for us now and can thank Moon Square Jupiter for what feels like a blessing of good fortune. However, this blessing does not come without a price, but the price has already been paid. While it may feel nice to receive such good news or to find out that a great opportunity is coming our way, the truth is that we set the stage; we created the path to success.

Jupiter always translates as ‘big’ and ‘positive.’ Being that the transit is squared, there is the implication of adversity; in this case, for three zodiac signs, the day’s blessing feels all the more incredible because of what we’ve gone through to get here.

Three zodiac signs will be blessed with good fortune on September 17, 2024.

1. Leo

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The money keeps rolling in. September 17, you receive a hefty paycheck or bonus. It’s time to celebrate, as your creative gifts are finally paying off. And why wouldn’t they? You’ve got the transit of Moon square Jupiter on your side…it makes sense. You are blessed with great fortune, and in a way, you’re ready for it. You aren’t too shocked by it, as you’ve worked hard to get here, but you are humbled at the idea that Moon square Jupiter might favor you to the point where it shows up financially. Sweet.

Moon square Jupiter is the machine by which great things are achieved, and on September 17, you’ll be a part of that machine, as so much of this day has to do with your ability to create. Whatever your field of expertise is, Leo, it will show you that it’s all been worth your while.

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2. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs blessed good fortune september 17, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

What makes this day feel so good to you, Virgo, is that you are suddenly not as burdened by thought as you were only last week. You could see something end, and that’s what you needed to move forward. This ending brought about great blessings for you, and you’ll be enjoying them. During the transit of Moon square Jupiter, what feels good now seems to feel even better when evening comes around, so you’ll notice a kind of momentum. It’s almost as if, because you are now feeling better, it’s starting to snowball; the positivity is powerful.

You’ve gone through a lot, and the squared aspect of the transit shows that it’s OK. It’s all part of the learning lesson that is life. What feels like a blessing is the natural order of things coming around to you, showing you that you are here to feel the love and enjoy all you have.

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3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs blessed good fortune september 17, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

It’s a big week for you, Pisces, as so much is going on and so much of it feels special and kind of amazing. You have been on a roll for a few days now, culminating in a Moon square Jupiter transit that makes you realize that if you want the good stuff, it’s up to you to maintain a good attitude. September 17 brings Jupiter to your door, which magnifies all that you have, and you have a lot of greatness in your life right now. So, as the Law of Attraction works, you magnify the good and make it even better. This works in love, finance and family.

What Moon square Jupiter is doing is blessing you with good fortune and letting you know that it’s now up to you to take the ball and run with it. Easy enough, Pisces! You know what to do as you like how things are going, so … the more of it, the merrier.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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