Moisturizer makes the face healthy and glowing, choose the best one according to your skin
News Update September 20, 2024 06:24 PM

Everyone likes to keep their face happy and glowing, for this they use many expensive beauty products. Moisturizer is also one of the special beauty products which helps in maintaining the glow on the face. Often in summer days your face becomes dry, for this the most special moisturizer is used, but if it is not used according to the face, then it spoils the complexion of the face.

Moisturizer works as a protective shield on the face which maintains moisture on the outer layer of your skin. With its help, your skin remains hydrated, which can help in reducing the effect of wrinkles. It maintains moisture on the face. We should take care of this.

Know the best moisturizer according to your skin type

You can choose the best moisturizer for yourself according to your skin. Let's know which moisturizer is right according to your skin-

For normal skin

If someone has normal skin, then you can use gel or cream based moisturizer for it. Actually, it keeps the skin hydrated but does not make the skin feel sticky and the problem of pimples also reduces. There are benefits of using gel based moisturizer in the morning and cream based moisturizer at night.

For oily skin

If your skin is oily then you should use oil free moisturizer. It can help in maintaining moisture in oily skin. Actually people with this skin should use light weight, watery or gel based moisturizer. People with oily skin should not use too much moisturizer.

For dry skin

If your skin is dry or lifeless, you can use a creamy moisturizer. You can also apply it 2 to 3 times a day. It is beneficial for people with this type of skin.

How to identify your skin type

You can know your skin type here. For this, first wash your face with clean water and then apply some cream and leave it for a while. If the cream gets absorbed well in the skin, then it is a sign of dry skin, but if the cream stays on the face for a long time and the face feels sticky and oily, then it may be due to oily skin.

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