Red pandas are present in only three zoos in India, their species is getting extinct
News Update September 21, 2024 03:24 PM

There are many species of animals and birds in India, but many are now losing their existence. Although lions, leopards, tigers and deer are hardly seen even today, but only a few species of wild animals are left which have been given protection. Today is the day dedicated to the red panda which is getting endangered all over the world, which we will hardly be able to see in the coming decades. There are about 10 thousand of the most beautiful wild animal red panda left in the world, but it is a different thing if you get to see it at some place in India.

Red panda is protected here in India

The red panda, known for its beauty with its reddish-brown fur, big eyes and bushy tail, is also called the world's cutest animal because it does not harm anyone. The red panda is a rare and endangered animal in India. Its main habitat is the mountainous regions of the Eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. They are being conserved in the Nainital Zoo, so that tourists can see them up close. The reason for the extinction of the red panda is their hunting.

Actually people hunt the red panda and take out its skin. Women used to make hats out of it and wear its tail as their braid. Due to this, the existence of the red panda is now getting extinct.

Features of the red panda

Red panda is vegetarian

For your information, the red panda is mainly a vegetarian and likes to eat bamboo leaves. Its favourite grass is ringal grass. Apart from this, it also eats fruits, eggs and small insects. Where the red panda is currently present in Nainital, it is given apples, bananas, honey and milk to eat.

Apart from this, red pandas are now found in very few places. They need a lot of protection which they are getting very less now. Let us tell you that, in the year 2014, two red pandas were brought here from Darjeeling Zoo. Today their number has increased to 7.

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