Why does the battery of an Electric Scooter explode? Are you not making this mistake?
Rahul Tiwari September 21, 2024 10:21 PM

Electric scooter battery explosions can occur due to many reasons, which are mainly related to battery care, charging process and battery quality. If the battery is not used properly, the chances of it exploding increase. Let's find out why this happens and what mistakes you can avoid.


If you repeatedly overcharge your electric scooter battery (meaning not removing the battery from the charger even after it is fully charged), it causes excessive heat in the battery. This increases the risk of battery explosion. Remove the battery from the charger immediately after it is fully charged and keep an eye on the charging time.

Explosion due to heat

If you park your scooter in extreme heat or direct sunlight, the battery may overheat. This causes a chemical imbalance inside the battery, which can cause the battery to explode. Always park the electric scooter in a shaded area and try to keep it away from extremely hot places.

Fake or poor quality batteries

If an electric scooter is fitted with a substandard or fake battery, its safety standards are not followed. Such a battery is more likely to explode. Always use a good quality and reliable brand battery, and use only the battery recommended by the scooter manufacturer.

Using the wrong charger

If you are using the wrong charger for the scooter battery, it can be harmful to the battery. Incorrect voltage or current can damage the battery and reduce its life. Use only the charger that is provided with the scooter, or that matches the specifications of the battery.

Physical damage to the battery

If the battery gets physically damaged due to any reason, like if the battery gets a shock in an accident, then a short circuit may occur inside it, due to which the battery may explode. Keep the battery safe and if any damage is seen in the battery after an accident, then get it replaced immediately.

Excessive Discharging

If you allow the battery to discharge completely again and again, it can be harmful to the health of the battery. Excessive discharge can damage the battery cells, which can cause it to explode. Start charging the battery only after it is discharged by 20-30%, so that its life and safety remains intact. By keeping all these things in mind, you can keep your electric scooter battery safe and avoid dangerous problems like its explosion.

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