It is difficult if there is no freedom in a relationship, too much freedom also breaks a relationship
Rahul Tiwari September 23, 2024 12:21 PM

We see people who say that this relationship is enough without a little freedom, we see people who say that he was given so much freedom, if a little control had been kept then everything would have been in the eagle's nest,

So what kind of freedom is this in a relationship? So then, in the name of freedom, let's see if that relationship breaks:

Relationship Freedom

Whether it is between husband and wife or between lovers, they should have the freedom to do whatever they want, not to poke their nose into everything, nor to ask permission for everything. To take a simple example, it is clothing. He should have the freedom to dress as per his choice, she should wear the clothes she likes, where her wish is her freedom. He wants to take good care of his parents, but she doesn't like it, if he just keeps asking why there is a fight, it means he has no freedom.

It is very difficult to live in a relationship without freedom. If there is a boyfriend-girlfriend then their relationship breaks up, there are husband-wife but some get divorced and some live a life of hell. So freedom is very important in a relationship, you can call it personal space if you want. This is very important, if we do not control each other then the relationship will be very good, love will increase, compatibility will be there. Both are happy like friends.

Why do you say that this increased freedom is not good?

This cannot be called too much freedom, it can be called free will. Freedom is freedom when it is misunderstood. While talking about what freedom is, we have mentioned about clothing, there should be freedom to wear any kind of clothing, but it should not be more than decency. Wearing too much clothes tells me that this is my freedom, this is not freedom, it becomes arbitrary, I am afraid that if I say something to him then he will misunderstand, if he starts saying something then my freedom will be violated and if he starts shouting loudly, he will not know what to say, but the relationship between you will break.

Same is the case with friendship. Any friendship should have a limit, otherwise your friendship (opposite gender friendship) can create a storm in the family. So one should have a clear idea of ​​what not to do in the name of freedom.

Now tell me, it is difficult if there is no freedom in a relationship, too much freedom is not good, isn't it?

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