Stay Energized: Try These Yoga Poses Before the Festival
sanjeev September 25, 2024 08:21 PM
Doctors recommend regular exercise to keep the body energized, which can help alleviate countless ailments. However, finding time to hit the gym amidst work and household chores can be challenging.
If you're willing, you can carve out half an hour at home to practice yoga. Regular yoga practice can not only help in weight loss but also relieve various physical problems. To reap the benefits, it's crucial to follow the correct techniques. Here's a guide to some yoga poses you can practice to keep your body energized before the festive season. Today's pose is Chakra Padmasana. What is Chakra Padmasana? The term 'Chakra Padmasana' translates to the posture of rotating the leg in a circular motion. Since our legs possess inherent strength, starting the pose from the legs allows the entire body to synchronize and gather energy. This pose can help prepare the body for the initial stages of yoga practice. How to Do Chakra Padmasana:
  1. Starting Position: Lie flat on your yoga mat with your legs straight and arms by your sides, palms facing down. This is the initial position. Close your eyes and rest for a few seconds.
  2. Raise the Right Leg: Keeping your left leg straight on the ground, lift your right leg about 3-5 inches off the floor. Ensure your knee doesn't bend. Now, rotate your right leg in a clockwise direction, making large circles 5-7 times. While rotating, make sure your ankle does not touch the ground, and your left leg remains flat.
  3. Rest: Lower your leg and rest for a few seconds. Now, rotate your right leg 5-7 times in the counter-clockwise direction, resting for a few seconds after each rotation.
  4. Repeat with the Left Leg: Now, place your right leg on the mat and lift your left leg, rotating it 5-7 times in both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions. If you feel discomfort, lower your leg and take a break.
  5. Final Rest: After completing the poses, rest for a moment. Once your breathing returns to normal, sit up.
  6. Modifications: If you find it challenging, you can keep your left leg straight on the ground while rotating your right leg. If needed, you can bend your knee while rotating.
Why Practice Chakra Padmasana? Regularly practicing Chakra Padmasana revitalizes all internal organs in the abdomen, enhancing blood circulation. It also invigorates the abdominal and thigh muscles and strengthens the muscles of the spine. This pose applies pressure on the abdomen, aiding in fat reduction. Overall, it is beneficial for maintaining the body's balance. Incorporate this yoga practice into your routine, and feel the difference in your energy levels and overall health!
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