Why is it advised to sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning
Rahul Tiwari September 27, 2024 09:21 AM

Sleeping early and waking up early: You must have read an English poem in your childhood, “Early to sleep, early to wake up”. Our elders also say that we should sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning. However, nowadays people rarely follow such a schedule, due to which they have to face health related problems. Let us know from Dr. Imran Ahmed why it is important to sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning.

1. Balance circadian rhythms

Our body works according to a natural biological clock, called the circadian rhythm. This rhythm controls our sleep, hormone production, and metabolism. Sleeping early at night keeps this rhythm balanced, which gives us better sleep and remains energetic throughout the day.

2. Better sleep quality

Going to bed early improves sleep quality. It is easier to go into deep sleep, which relaxes the mind and body. Good sleep improves mental clarity, concentration and memory.

3. Good for overall health

Sleeping and waking up early has many health benefits. This keeps weight under control, improves heart health and reduces stress. Regular sleep strengthens the immune system, which prevents diseases.

4. Positive start to the day

Waking up early in the morning gives you time to plan your day. You can indulge in healthy activities like yoga, exercise or meditation. These activities improve mental health and start the day with positivity.

5. Time Management

Waking up early in the morning gives you more time to work throughout the day. This helps with time management, helping you achieve your goals and be more productive at work.

6. Emotional stability

Sleeping early at night and waking up early in the morning also has a positive effect on our emotions. This reduces the level of stress, anxiety and depression, which improves mental health.

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