This one thing increases the risk of depression during pregnancy
Rahul Tiwari September 27, 2024 09:21 AM

Pregnancy is a very special and sensitive time in a woman's life, but ignoring mental health during this time can prove dangerous. According to experts, due to negative thinking and stress during pregnancy, the risk of depression increases in women, which can have a serious impact not only on the health of the mother but also on the child in the womb.

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, women have to face many ups and downs physically and mentally. Due to these changes, women sometimes become surrounded by stress, anxiety and negative thinking. During this time, if they are constantly surrounded by negative thoughts, it has a direct impact on their mental health, due to which the risk of depression increases.

Negative thinking can cause problems like lack of sleep, change in appetite and lack of self-confidence in women. Along with this, women suffering from depression during pregnancy feel isolated, which can prove harmful for their and their child's health.

effect on child

The mental health of the mother has a direct impact on the physical and mental development of the child. According to researchers, if the mother suffers from depression during pregnancy, it can delay the mental and physical development of the child after birth. Additionally, stress and anxiety during pregnancy also increases the risk of premature delivery and low birth weight of the baby.

Ways to avoid depression

Experts believe that it is very important to think positive and take care of mental health during pregnancy. For this, women should take help of meditation, yoga and relaxation techniques to avoid stress. Maintaining conversations with family and friends and sharing your experiences can also help improve mental health. Apart from this, if a pregnant woman is continuously feeling depressed, anxious or irritable, she should immediately consult a mental health expert. Taking care of physical and mental health during pregnancy is important not only for the mother but also for the child.

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