Psychology Coach Shares 2 Tricks To Make People Instantly Like You
News Update September 28, 2024 03:24 AM

Psychology holds all of the tools and tricks to help you master your understanding of social connections and behaviors, which can give you a major advantage. If you’re searching for ways to adopt a more charismatic persona, the following tips can steer you in the right direction.

Grayson, who goes by @graysonpsychology on TikToktook to the app to reveal a couple of “sneaky” psychological tricks people can use to increase their likability.

The psychology coach shared two tricks you can use to make people instantly like you:

1. The mere ownership effect

The mere ownership effect, also known as the endowment effect in economics, is the psychological phenomenon that people value items more when they own or create them themselves, according to a 2017 study. For example, someone will appreciate their home more when they know they bought it instead of renting it.

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When it comes to friendships and relationships, this phenomenon states that individuals will like a gift more when it is shared. In other words, people are more likely to appreciate a gift you give them when they know you own it, too, such as a friendship bracelet or a matching tattoo. This effect can be applied to physical, intangible, and homemade objects.

“If you gift someone a small, meaningful item that represents the connection that you have with them, they’ll feel a sense of ownership over you and the connection, and they’ll end up liking you more,” Grayson explained. “For instance, you could give them a bracelet you made, and they’ll actually feel like you’re with them every time that they wear it.”

Unsurprisingly, people will value a gift more when they know someone made it themselves or chose it to represent something special about their connection.

If you’re hoping to please someone in your life and make them feel more drawn to you, gifting them a sentimental item that you own as well will be sure to strike a chord with them.

2. The warm receiver technique

This warm receiver technique, known as interpersonal warmthis the pleasant and intimate feeling we experience during positive interactions with others.

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Grayson claimed it’s easy to miss the mark on this technique, and he’s witnessed too many people make the same “mistakes” by reverting to behaviors and reactions that are cold or out of touch.

The idea of this tool is to receive others’ compliments, comments, favors, or other behaviors from a place of warmth through our actions and body language, allowing them to feel good about themselves.

We all crave that warm, fuzzy feeling we get inside when someone makes us smile or extends a helpful hand, and we likely perceive that person in a warmer light afterward.

These individuals tend to have a higher vibration and emotional intelligence, as they frequently act with love and compassion, which requires a certain strength. They radiate a loving and magnetic aura, which further expands the more they spread their warmth to others.

According to a 2008 studypeople tend to favor those who exhibit a warm and humble energy, finding them more friendly, helpful, and trustworthy.

People will like you more when you go out of your way to make them happy.

In essence, spreading kindness through your actions will not only make people like you more, but it will also help you adopt a more confident and compassionate relationship within yourself.

It’s no secret that these compassionate individuals have an infectious energy we all crave to activate ourselves. Living in a society heavily influenced by individualism, we can all benefit significantly from receiving a little extra warmth from others, reminding us of the importance of our connections to each other.

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Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango’s news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics.

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