3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On October 1, 2024
News Update September 30, 2024 09:24 PM

On the whole, October 1, 2024, looks like a pretty decent day for us. Astrology tells us that during the transit of Moon trine Uranus, three zodiac signs rise above the challenges that once looked way too intimidating.

It’s a great day because while Moon trine Uranus is in the sky, all things seem possible. What might have stood in our way only last month now seems not only doable, but easy. We may find that we created a scenario in our minds that made us think it was all so hard, and yet, here we are — and the challenge doesn’t look as daunting anymore.

So, in the long run, we come to see that the challenge came with a mindset. If we can change our mindset (as we will during Moon trine Uranus), we can overcome any obstacles. Challenge, met. Obstacles, overcome. Done and done.

Three zodiac signs rise above challenges on October 1, 2024:

1. Taurus

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There’s something very special about Moon trine Uranus when the impossible suddenly seems possible. This is a grand transit in so much as it can make us see potential and possibility.

In your case, Taurus, October’s meeting with Moon trine Uranus works so well for you that you feel better about the choices you’re about to make than ever before. You aren’t bogged down with self-critique. In fact, you feel like this is a great time to trust your gut and go with it.

Whatever challenges lay before you, no longer seem so daunting. You have it in mind that on October 1, you will personally tackle all that presents as a challenge. You are not intimidated, and you won’t be intimidated. You feel strong during Moon trine Uranus, and capable of surmounting all you consider challenging.

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2. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs rise above challenges october 1, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

The idea of rising above a challenge didn’t occur to you, as you aren’t sure what you feel challenged by. But on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, you’ll see very clearly that there is something in your life that you haven’t wanted to deal with…and it must be dealt with.

So, there’s a kind of urgency going on during Moon trine Uranus, but it’s the kind that puts you to the test. You don’t want to start the month out on a bad foot, and you certainly don’t want to think of yourself as ‘too scared’ to handle it, so, like a good Sagittarius, you confront it, head-on.

You’ve worked so hard getting yourself into good mental and physical shape this year. The challenge before you is really about maintenance. Can you do it? Can you keep up this fantastic progress? Of course you can, Sagittarius. This is what you were born for. Challenges be gone.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs rise above challenges october 1, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Well, October 1 is here and you are starting to feel the pressure of the year coming to a close. That inner voice keeps on asking if you’ve done what you’ve set out to do. During Moon trine Uranus, you want more out of your life. You’ve let yourself be pushed aside for the sake of a challenge you were too scared to overcome.

But now, reality sets in and shows you that you cannot put off living for too long. You need to get OUT of your head and experience real life. It’s one thing to read all the books and agree with all the advice, and a whole other thing to participate.

This is your challenge, Aquarius, and it has always been just this. Yes, you have a brilliant mind, but you have held yourself back when it comes to hands-on experience; this day changes all of that. You can’t sit still during Moon trine Uranus; you will overcome this challenge and it will show you that you can do so again, and again, if need be. Power to you.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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