Diagnosed Narcissistic Sociopath Shares Her 10 Biggest Weaknesses
News Update October 07, 2024 12:24 PM

A diagnosed sociopath is an individual with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), typically developed due to a traumatic experience during their upbringing. They exhibit symptoms such as a lack of empathy and remorse for others.

A diagnosed narcissist is someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) who demonstrates an exaggerated sense of self-importance and struggles to care for others.

Delta, @dammitdelta onlineis a 26-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with both ASPD and NPD. She frequently shares educational content to raise awareness and shed light on the complex experiences of those diagnosed with stigmatized disorders.

The diagnosed narcissistic sociopath revealed her 10 biggest weaknesses.

1. She struggles to plan.

“I don’t have any long-term plans for my future,” Delta admitted. “It’s extremely hard for me to think about the future and take the steps that I would need to achieve a larger goal because I’m so focused on instant gratification and my pleasure in the moment.”

: 9 Signs Someone In Your Life Is A Sociopath, According To Psychology

According to Psychology Todaydiagnosed narcissists tend to display impulsive and impatient behaviors because they struggle to trust in the process of delayed gratification. This toxic pattern makes it especially difficult for individuals to achieve long-term goals.

2. She’s often excluded from society.

“Sociopaths have a failure to conform to social norms and follow authority,” Delta explained. “We hate being told what to do, and if we don’t want to follow a rule, we’re not going to follow it.”

Because of their non-compliant nature, sociopaths are likely to be ostracized from their communities, which can further increase their chances of going to prison, getting fired from jobs, and being socially outcasted.

3. She struggles to form meaningful relationships.

While sociopaths and narcissists do crave love and connections, they struggle to empathize with others, which can make forming meaningful bonds difficult.

“Bonding is possible for a sociopath,” Delta clarified. “It’s just something that doesn’t happen very often. Most of our relationships are extremely superficial, based entirely on us receiving resources from a person rather than wanting to connect with them.”

This lack of connection can lead to an increase in dissatisfaction, depression, and loneliness.

4. She struggles to learn from past mistakes.

“I can’t even tell you the number of times that I have made the same mistake over and over again and just simply haven’t learned from it,” Delta admitted. “We often don’t consider the consequences of our actions.”

Sociopaths may repeat the same mistakes due to a lack of care or an inability to recognize their wrongdoings; however, this is actually due to an imbalance in their brains.

Research shows that due to genetic differences influencing neurotransmission, individuals with ASPD have a “decreased activation and volume” in their brain’s key areas, making it much more challenging to learn from previous mistakes than individuals without ASPD.

5. She exhibits reckless behaviors.

“I struggle immensely to think through the consequences of my actions before I act,” Delta explained. “If I want to do something, I just go ahead and do it, and I don’t care what happens.”

She admitted that this tendency had endangered herself and others and created various problems throughout her life.

: 8 Subtle Ways Your Body Warns You When You’re Interacting With A Sociopath

6. She regularly manipulates other people.

Those diagnosed with ASPD and NPD frequently manipulate and exploit others for personal gain, but they can only get away with this behavior for so long until people begin to push them away.

“Due to our deceptive nature, it’s very easy for us to lose the trust of the people around us, thus stopping us from getting what we want,” Delta said.

While it’s not exactly easy for sociopaths and narcissists to end their manipulative habits, they can learn to redirect their focus and manipulate situations to benefit everyone — not just themselves.

7. She is arrogant.

Sociopaths and narcissists exhibit a heightened sense of arrogance and self-entitlement, as their conditions cause them to behave this way. Being diagnosed with both disorders, Delta admitted that she is no different.

“We tend to view ourselves as superior to everybody else,” Delta said. “Having a sense of superiority definitely can hold you back in life. It can inhibit your growth.” If you don’t feel like you have to improve, you won’t get any better.

Nicoleta Ionescu Shutterstock

8. She suppresses her emotions.

Lacking empathy for others and the ability to feel emotions deeply doesn’t necessarily mean that sociopaths aren’t capable of feeling at all. However, because of the challenges they face navigating human emotions, they may resort to suppressing their own, which can lead to various mental and physical health challenges.

“Suppressing emotions is extremely unhealthy, and for us, it’s second nature,” Delta said. Many don’t even realize they’re suppressing emotions.

9. She’s emotionally unstable.

Sociopaths and narcissists are especially impulsive and combative. Delta explained that she and others with the disorders struggle deeply to control their emotions, particularly anger and aggression.

They often seek revenge, experience narcissistic rage, and even exhibit sadistic behavior — all of which indicate a lack of emotional stability.

10. She has trust and paranoia issues.

While a healthy skepticism of others’ actions is essential to protect yourself, sociopaths take this behavior to an extreme level. In part because of their own manipulative and untrustworthy habits, sociopaths “naturally assume the worst” in everyone and believe most people have “bad intentions.”

“Though not all sociopaths tend to experience paranoia, it is rather common,” Delta added. “Many of us have deeply-rooted trust issues stemming from the childhood trauma that made us this way in the first place.”

Anyone can learn to grow, including sociopaths and narcissists.

It’s important to remember that sociopaths and narcissists are humans, too, who likely experienced a great deal of trauma that led to their disorders. While it can be challenging to connect with these individuals, be mindful of how support and empathy can help them reflect and evolve.

Despite Delta’s challenging mental health conditions, she displays an admirable sense of self-awareness, something she admitted took five years to develop. Those diagnosed with ASPD and NPD can challenge their self-sabotaging conditions and commit to improving themselves.

: Diagnosed Psychopath Shares The 5 ‘Special Interests’ She Had As A Kid That Were Clues About Her Condition

Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango’s news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics.

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