5 Zodiac Signs Experience Improvements In Their Relationships From October 7 – 13, 2024
News Update October 07, 2024 06:24 PM

The planets are beneficially active the week of October 7  – 13, which means five zodiac signs may see major improvements in their existing relationships. You will have to shift gears emotionally from one energy into another and likely hold space for multiple conversations, but it’s all for the right reasons. Pay attention to actions you may have to take because the shift could be what improves your partnership in the long run. 

Jupiter retrograde begins on October 9

On Wednesday, Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini, which offers a time for reflection and inner growth based on what you have recently gone through in your relationship. This allows you to react differently, and it helps you become more aware of your true feelings. 

First Quarter Moon in Cancer on October 10

The First Quarter Moon in Cancer will rise on Thursday, bringing awareness over decisive action that you can take to initiate your new beginning. This will connect back to the Libra New Moon and Eclipse that occurred on October 2, except now you will have more clarity over how to improve your relationship and romantic life. 

Pluto stations direct in Capricorn for the last time on October 11

Clarity when it comes to love will become essential once Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on Friday for the last time in this lifetime. Midweek, you are meant to shed and release what you no longer need to honor the aspects of life that matter most to you and align with your authentic truth

The themes of truth and healing will once again be highlighted as retrograde Jupiter in Gemini aligns with Chiron in Aries on Saturday, October 12, and when Mercury shifts into Scorpio on Sunday, October 13. As much as you are learning the importance of truth, this also is a test of whether you will slide back into the comfort zone that Pluto in Capricorn represents or if, instead, you will honor it at all costs. 

Your relationship needs your truth, especially if you want to improve your connection or even hope to attract a new love. Truth is the most solid foundation from which love can grow, and while it may not always be easy and often requires doing some deep soul work, it is always worth it when you can smile and feel confident that you are precisely where you are meant to be.

Five zodiac signs experience major improvements in their relationships October 7 – 13, 2024:

1. Sagittarius

Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Try to slow down, dear Sagittarius, give yourself time to reflect, and make peace with all that has happened. As you start to feel more confident in yourself and your romantic choices, guilt or shame surrounds you about how everything has played out. 

While it’s easy to reflect on the choices and actions in the past, you only have that clarity because of everything you’ve been through. You can’t keep punishing yourself in this process, especially as you enter a time of romantic abundance.

If you keep replaying the past, cringing at how you could have made the decisions you have made, you will only serve to affect your current relationship. In this case, you are in a great place with your partner and feeling more confident than you ever have — but your inner thoughts risk your romantic connection. Happiness is about connecting.

As Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9, you will have a chance to reflect on all that has brought you to this moment. Jupiter is the planet of benevolence, good luck, and even abundance, precisely what you have seen transform your romantic life. 

Do you question whether you deserve all of this because of your past? Why engage in that never-ending cycle of thoughts regarding all that has occurred and what you wish you had done differently? Remind yourself of what you’ve learned each step of the way. 

You can use Jupiter’s retrograde in Gemini to understand things better. As much as you wish things didn’t happen like it did, you can see the positive turnaround in your romantic life now. Focus on what each step has taught you. 

You will also have a deeper acceptance of the process, which hopefully will allow you to realize that your truth isn’t only made up of your worst moments but also of who you’ve chosen to become because of them.

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2. Cancer

cancer zodiac signs whose relationships improve during october 7-13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Love is what you choose it to be, Cancer. As much as you may feel that the past is tugging on you more, especially once Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on October 11, never forget that you are also in a phase of new beginnings. 

You can either dwell over what has happened, letting certain matters of closure weigh heavily on your soul — or you can choose to rise above and decide that you will manifest your new beginning right now. As much as there may be logical aspects of your past that need settling around this time, try to approach it from a more detached mindset.

Look at it as simply errands or a to-do list that needs to be completed rather than diving back into the emotional attachment of it all. This will help you realize that what you put your energy into will also become your focus, so if you want that new beginning in your romantic life, that is also what you need to start investing in.

On Thursday, October 10, the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn rises, reminding you of how far you’ve come — and that there should be no fear of going backward. You can set a new intention in your romantic life and make plans, and even take action toward what you hope your future will be. 

During this time, you should feel more hopeful and ready for love. So, whether you’re healing an existing relationship or even beginning a new one, you must allow yourself to take this step forward. 

There will never be a perfect time to have a new beginning, but sometimes, the universe asks you to choose. In this case, you are given the choice between a new beginning or returning to the past. 

So you must choose, knowing that your choice should reflect the growth and healing you’ve gone through the past year. Trust in yourself enough to know you are ready, and remember nothing new will ever come from revisiting your past, so it’s time to set your sights on all the love your future holds for you.

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3. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs whose relationships improve during october 7-13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

You don’t always have a choice over whether you face the truth or not, Virgo, and it seems that the time has finally come when you may realize that. You have been working through better understanding your desires and needs regarding commitment and marriage. 

This means breaking free from thinking that you must get married in a specific way or even check certain boxes in your relationship. But this has not been the easiest lesson because if there is anyone who likes to follow a plan, it is you. 

However, while you tried to bury this inner truth of your desires at one point, you now realize that you can achieve everything you’ve always wanted and still feel no emotional connection to it. A deep emotional connection in a relationship isn’t built from adhering to what is expected of you or even checking boxes. 

Instead, it is found in honoring your authentic truth and building a love that is right for you. As you continue this journey, you can realize that while you can continue down this specific path, nothing will change. And if you want it to be different, then you also need to honor your truth.

Pluto will station directly in Capricorn on Friday, October 11, bringing a final test to determine whether you are creating a romantic relationship that reflects your authenticity or checking boxes instead. 

This can manifest as needing to feel externally validated in your choices, viewing materialistic items as important, and even hanging onto a relationship in which you feel no real emotional investment. However, it may also cause issues in an otherwise healthy partnership that involve agreements or expectations, such as financial matters, aspects around children, parenting, or even the type of commitment you desire. 

Before you battle again with your partner, are you fighting for what you want versus what you think you should do? The clearer you can become about your truth, the more definitively you will know whether this relationship is aligned. 

You must sit with yourself and be willing to be comfortable with what arises so that whatever decision you make fully represents your truth — and no one else.

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4. Libra

libra zodiac signs whose relationships improve during october 7-13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

You have been surprising yourself recently, sweet, or more aptly, courageous, Libra. Done are the days when you just smile and agree to avoid an argument. You no longer spook at the thought of expressing your truth or tremble with fear that you will still be loved if you reveal your full self. 

You discovered your authentic self on this journey where you had hoped to find your forever love. While this might be a little off-putting, in reality, this is the purpose of love. Not all relationships are meant to last forever, but the most special ones leave their mark whether you are together anymore or not. 

No matter what has occurred in this relationship, or even the heartbreak it has brought at different times; it did help you grow in ways you could never have done with anyone else. This is what is so special about the karmic relationship because its entire purpose is to help you heal so that you can be in the place to live life on your terms and finally attract the love you’ve always wanted. 

Now, all you need to do is believe in yourself enough to trust you are one decision away from the life, and even relationship, of your dreams.

Retrograde Jupiter will align with Chiron in Aries on Saturday, October 12, helping you embody some of the recent lessons you’ve learned and be less afraid of starting over or putting yourself out there again. 

You have done a deep dive into your healing recently, and this also means what the meaning is behind your romantic choices, thanks to the asteroid Chiron as it moves through your house of relationships. While this is a process that you still might be sorting through, you must allow yourself to start viewing relationships as a reflection of your process rather than necessarily representing a failure or mistake. 

As retrograde Jupiter aligns with Chiron, you will be given a boost of confidence and inner knowing that will allow you to choose yourself, be courageous in your life’s creation, and seize opportunities for new beginnings. Although you might still be processing a recent ending, make space for more surprises, Libra, as love will always be found on the path carved from your truth.

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5. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs whose relationships improve during october 7-13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

The truth doesn’t need to be pretty to be valuable, dear Taurus. You want to create a life that feels and looks beautiful, so tend to the foundation — which includes the truth. Instead of feeling like you must avoid certain emotions or thoughts, let yourself go deeper within. See that the deeper you allow yourself to go, the better your relationship will be. Part of being able to go deep means letting yourself hold space for multiple truths. 

Truth and feelings aren’t something you can argue about, as they are both unique to you and the one you love. Instead of feeling like you need to prove your point, try instead to focus on finding a compromise and even being able to appreciate where your partner is coming from. Instead of only feeling like you can be in love if your partner agrees, see that your differences allow real love to flourish.

Mercury, the planet of communication, will shift into Scorpio on Sunday, October 13, creating the ability to go deep within yourself and your relationship. Scorpio is the sign of truth and the alchemist who can turn even the most difficult situation into one that benefits you and your relationship. 

This is your chance to explore your true feelings about your relationship, to no longer avoid what isn’t pretty or convenient, and to learn to hold space for depth rather than the validation that comes from being right. Try to open up conversations about what has been bothering you or even that you know in your heart you’ve been avoiding. 

Ask your partner how they are feeling without feeling like their answer threatens your sense of self. Take this as an opportunity to explore your emotional connection to enjoy the greater connection, acceptance, and depth that this phase is meant to represent in your romantic life.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

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