3 Zodiac Signs Overcome A Specific Obstacle From October 28 – November 3, 2024
News Update October 27, 2024 04:24 PM

As astrologer Terence Guardino explained in a YouTube video, the week of October 28 to November 3, 2024 promises to be very “eventful,” with an “important planetary event” happening just about every day throughout the week. Some transits will present specific obstacles for three zodiac signs in particular, who will find ways to overcome these challenges.

On October 28, Mars trines Neptune, making this an opportune time for any type of creative project, or you may be called on to show compassion for someone — including yourself — at this time. Venus also squares Saturn, making this a poor time for important meetings, financial matters and love.

On October 30, Mercury opposes Uranus, which is prone to changeability and unexpected events or conversations. Don’t set plans in stone today since they may change. By early evening, however, things may smooth out.

Happy Halloween! On the 31st, the day may be quite intense and we may be pulled in different directions. However, the evening calms down enough to have a spooky but pleasant Halloween night.

The November 1 New Moon falls in Scorpio, and there couldn’t be a more fitting sign for Halloween. It trines Saturn, giving us some stability, and this moon in and of itself does not look difficult. Mars’s opposition to Pluto, however, may be a different story. This is prone to friction and this will be with us at least through mid-November.

On November 2, Mercury’s trine to Mars makes for a day full of communication, and it’s a good day to take action on something you have been waiting for.

On Sunday, November 3, Venus opposes Jupiter, making this a day when the potential exists to overindulge in many different ways. It could be overdrinking, overeating, or spending the day doing nothing. This day, however, marks the powerful Pluto/Mars opposition coming into a close orb, which can create a day full of arguments, frustration, and extreme aggravation if we aren’t aware of ourselves and the intense and volatile nature of the transit that will be with us at least through mid-November.

Three zodiac signs overcome a specific obstacle from October 28 – November 3, 2024:

1. Scorpio

mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

The week’s focus for you is on relationships and communication. Scorpio, you appear to be off to a rough start this week, and it may concern love interests, children, or friends. Your self-esteem may be in the mix and a question of values and what you value the most. Hurt feelings are in the mix. By mid-week, communication is more important than ever, either toward or from someone else.

Because of your passionate nature, Scorpio, it is not impossible for you to jump to conclusions or say something that you may regret later. By mid-week, your mind may be all over the board concerning this relationship. Of course, if it is a child, you must reign in your temper and understand that you can’t let anything so minor affect your relationship. However, you may be less forgiving if it is a lover or a friend.

It is doubtful the issue is deep enough to end a relationship, but this depends largely on you and your feelings. You tend to freeze people out when you are angry and are often overly suspicious by nature. This week’s issue can be resolved if you can keep your emotions in check. You fear rejection and pain, and if you can overcome this enough to realize not as much is at stake as you seem to think, you can become empowered by this event.

By balancing your emotions, protecting your heart from real or imagined pain, and sticking to your boundaries without overdramatizing the issue, you can emerge a stronger person with a better relationship than when you started.

: How Each Zodiac Sign Can Navigate The Transformative Month Of November, According To A Tarot Reader

2. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs overcome specific obstacle october 28 - november 3, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Money and love issues start the week off, which may leave you feeling that something has to change. Since you are ruled by Venus, the planet associated with money and love, this could seem like a watershed moment at the time.

Whatever the case, your finances will be of concern at the start of the week. This could involve loans, taxes, or debt. Taurus, you are generally good with matters concerning money and often have a natural talent for handling your finances. It appears this is just a short-term financial pinch or worry that won’t amount to much. You like luxury and beautiful things, however, and if you have been overspending, you must devise a plan to keep yourself on a budget until this matter is resolved.

In the case of love and friendships, however, you may have to dig deeper into the matter. A conversation with the person in question may leave you surprised and shaken by mid-week. You may feel a slight that wasn’t meant in the first place, but how this develops depends on how the conversation goes mid-week.

Power struggles, control issues, and buried emotions may surface. There is no point in avoiding the hard stuff because it is right in front of you. The question is, who is lifting you or dragging you down? This will be the focus of the Scorpio New Moon on November 1.

You may have to dig deep, but you can find the answer as to which relationships serve your needs and which don’t. Trust your gut and remember that you are entitled to good relationships that help empower you rather than drag you down. Relationships will continue to be the focus as the Sun and Mercury travel through your seventh house of relationships and others this month.

: 4 Zodiac Signs Predestined To Achieve Great Wealth In Their Lifetime, According To An Astrologer

3. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs overcome specific obstacle october 28 - november 3, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

The week starts with an issue connected to partners and your career. In this case, partners can mean personal relationships and those you are associated with on a day-to-day basis, including those you work with. This issue may spark an internal debate as to whether the job you are focused on is right for you. Of course, this may also be just a temporary issue that will soon be resolved.

By midweek, you will have a conversation that can influence things one way or another. You could devise a resolution to the issue at hand, or this could leave you with more questions.

The difficulties now may simply test your strength and staying power, and it might serve you well to focus on this. It seems your feelings may have been hurt at the start of the week, or you felt that someone considered you less than you could. The key is not to take what you think they said or meant as a slight toward your personal self-worth. Once you get past this, you can address the question they brought up concerning work and career.

You have a talent for always growing and learning. Does their criticism have real validity? If the answer is yes, you need to look at your overall performance and assess what you can do to improve it. If you are truthful with yourself, the answer will be obvious.

If you feel the issue is more personal than professional, the question is: Is this a one-off or a repeated pattern? If it is a one-off, then the answer is to let this go and continue to move forward. If it is a question of repeated personal criticism, then perhaps it is time for you to seriously consider where you are going and the type of environment you want to work in.

The New Moon on November 1st and the Sun moving into your house of work will keep you focused on this question over the next few weeks.  If you feel that it is time to move on, Jupiter, the planet of luck and gain, is in your sign until mid-year 2025, and with this luck, you should be able to find a new and potentially better job if this is your conclusion.

: The Most Hated Zodiac Sign In Astrology, According To 2,000 Americans


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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.

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