Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On October 28, 2024 — Venus Squares Saturn
News Update October 28, 2024 12:24 AM

Each zodiac sign’s October 28, 2024 horoscope is here. The Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon in Virgo. Let’s see what else is happening in the cosmos that is affecting you.

On Monday, Venus in Sagittarius forms a challenging square aspect with Saturn in Pisces. This cosmic alignment invites you to examine your relationships closely and evaluate how they contribute to your spiritual growth.

Ponder these two questions today: How are the connections in your life uplifting and inspiring you to show up as the best version of yourself? And are there relationships that seem to weigh you down? Do you experience self-limiting beliefs? What’s stifling your growth? Now, on to our daily horoscopes for each zodiac sign in astrology.

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Your zodiac sign’s daily horoscope for Monday, October 28, 2024.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)


A spark of a new idea may take you into unexpected places, but first, you have to let go of the old baggage of losses that might have thrown you into the pits of a career nihilistic episode.

This fresh idea, like a beacon of light, has the potential to guide you towards uncharted territories and exciting opportunities, but it requires a clear, unburdened mind to fully embrace it.

Be patient with yourself. Letting go of old baggage and embracing a new path takes time and effort, so go slow.

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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)


You’re long overdue to be out in the world, but it’s not about venturing alone this time. It’s about stepping out with your tribe, community, and the people who resonate with your values and support your growth.

You are being called to surrender your hyper-independence and embrace the strength and support from being part of a bigger unit.

Start by identifying the areas of your life where you feel most alone. Is it in your work, creative pursuits, or personal growth?

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Gemini (May 21 – June 20)


You’re on a journey of self-discovery, learning how to stay in your lane and make your dreams come true without burning yourself out.

Balancing ambition with self-care is vital for your long-term success and well-being. It’s non-negotiable, and you have our full permission to put your phone in do-not-disturb mode.

As you navigate this delicate balance, you’re becoming increasingly adept at prioritizing your goals and managing your energy wisely.

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Cancer (June 21 – July 22)


Today you might find that your usual drive and motivation to push yourself to the limit are not as strong as they typically are. Instead of fighting against this natural ebb in energy, embrace it.

Give into your Aphrodite impulses and indulge in self-care practices that nourish your body and soul. This is the perfect time to fill your vessel with good food, great company, and heavenly sleep.

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Leo (July 23 – August 22)


What you invest your energy, time, and resources into is up for evaluation. This period invites you to take a closer look at how you allocate your most precious assets.

Are your current investments bringing you closer to your goals and dreams, or are they depleting you without offering meaningful returns? This is a crucial time to reflect on these questions and make necessary adjustments.

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)


Your four walls are under the spotlight, and the meaning of ‘home’ is up for redefinition. This period invites you to reassess what ‘home’ truly means to you and how your current living space aligns with that vision.

Is your home merely a place of convenience, a roof over your head that meets basic needs? Or does it go beyond practicality to become a sanctuary that creatively lights you up and nurtures your spirit?

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Libra (September 23 – October 22)


If you feel like your life needs some more pizazz, you’re being offered a golden opportunity to evaluate where you’re going and why.

This moment serves as a gentle nudge from the universe, encouraging you to take stock of your current path and assess whether it truly reflects your passions and aspirations. What would it look like if you could design a day that perfectly reflects your passions and interests?

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Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)


Sometimes, you really have to be honest with yourself and confidently declare to the world, “These are my skills, this is what I’m great at, and this is how I want to be compensated in return.”

This level of self-awareness and assertiveness is essential, especially in a world where creative contributions can often be undervalued or overlooked. Whatever you decide to do, don’t hide in the shadow’s today.

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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)


Whatever choice points you encounter, you might find that your logical faculties aren’t providing the clarity you need to choose the right answer.

In times like these, it’s essential to trust that strange intuitive hit that seems to come from nowhere, leading you toward a new pivot in your life.

While your rational mind is invaluable, it can sometimes become overwhelmed by the weight of analysis and data, making it challenging to listen to your indestructible gut instinct simply.

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Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)


Our life philosophies are like lenses through which we perceive the world. They shape our decisions, influence relationships, and inform how we interpret our experiences.

Initially, a particular belief may feel like a safe harbor, providing clarity and direction during times of uncertainty.

However, you might question long-held assumptions or feel disconnected from the values you once held close to your heart.

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)


Be mindful that you don’t absorb other people’s opinions and allow them to become your voice. It’s all too easy to internalize criticism or praise, especially when we’re navigating through life’s challenges.

Today, make a conscious effort to establish firm boundaries between your own beliefs and the opinions of others. In fact, take a moment to pause and reflect: Are these thoughts truly yours, or are they echoes of someone else’s fears or judgments?

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Pisces (February 19 – March 20)


You might feel like Alice in Wonderland as you see new sides of reality that others can’t perceive. As you delve into this realm of possibility, take note of the insights that come to you.

What aspects of your life have felt stagnant or uninspired? How can you infuse them with fresh energy and creativity?

Like Alice’s journey through Wonderland, this exploration will require you to embrace the unknown and challenge conventional thinking.

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Sade Jackson is a psychological astrologerwriter and energy healer. She writes about Jungian lore, creativity, feminine mysticism and astrology on Substack.

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