Toxic actor Yash will be turning 39 on January 8, 2025, and for his birthday wish, the South superstar wanted his fans to exercise caution while celebrating his birthday. In an emotional post on social media, he implored his fans to prioritise themselves instead of celebrating his birthday. In the past, a few fans have lost their lives in the midst of activities honouring the KGF actor on his birthday. Check out Yash's letter to his fans below.
Yash asks fans to be mindful for any birthday celebrationsOn Instagram, Yash addressed his well-wishers in a new letter. He wrote, "As the new year dawns, it's a time for reflection, resolutions, and charting a new course. The love you all have showered on me over the years has been nothing short of phenomenal. But, there have been some unfortunate incidents too."
He continued, "It's time for us to change our language of love, especially when it comes to the celebration of my birthday. The expression of your love should not be in grand gestures and gatherings. The greatest gift for me is knowing you are safe, setting positive examples, achieving your goals, and spreading joy." ALSO READ: "I will be busy shooting and will not be in town on my birthday. However, the warmth of your wishes will always reach me and be my constant companion, fueling my spirit and inspiring me. Stay safe, and I wish you all a very happy 2025," the actor concluded. Yash is currently filming Toxic: A Fairytale for Grown-ups, directed by Geetu Mohandas. Prior fatal incidents involving fansEarlier this year, three fans from the Gadag district of Karnataka died after trying to construct a large cutout of the actor on his birthday. Soon afterwards, Yash met with the bereaved families and offered his support and condolences. The actor had asked fans not to do anything elaborate or reckless to impress him, like putting up banners, going on bike chases, and taking reckless selfies.In 2019, another fan had self-immolated himself after he could not meet the star on his birthday. Later in an interview, Yash had stressed, "If you are a true fan of mine, then do your work diligently, dedicate your life to yourself, and be happy and successful."