The new year 2025 has started and everyone is welcoming the new year in their own way. Whereas actor and singer Khesari Lal Yadav, who is called the trending star of Bhojpuri cinema, has gone to Shirdi on the first day of the year 2025 and had darshan of Sai Baba. The actor told that whatever he is today is due to the blessings of God and because of the love of his fans. Khesari Lal Yadav has many projects in 2025 which the actor talked about.
After having the darshan of Sai Baba, Khesari Lal Yadav while talking to ANI said, 'I feel that we have the blessings of Sai Baba, and whatever we are today is because of his blessings.'
#WATCH Shirdi, Maharashtra: Actor Khesari Lal Yadav visited Sai Baba temple in Shirdi on the first day of the year 2025.
He says, “… I feel that this is Sai Baba's great grace on us and whatever we are is also because of Baba's blessings…”
— ANI (@ANI) January 1, 2025
In the video, Khesari Lal was seen saying, 'This is not an event, it is fun....(laughing) This is entertainment, not an event. Rather, we are made for it only. I feel that Baba has given us all a great blessing, due to which we become something so that the world keeps us in its eyes, keeps us in its heart, keeps us on its tongue. There is something about our face…it is a matter, and it is not us, but I think it is my karma…I have only worked hard, but it is the karma of my elders that I got it.
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In this video, Khesari Lal Yadav told about the projects coming in 2025. In the video, Khesari Lal further says, 'There are many films, about 8-9 films, which have been dubbed, some are in DI, some are in mixing. If 12-13 films have been signed, they will be shot slowly. And the songs remain trending every day. Three-four songs of mine are already trending. It is the love and blessings of the people that we try and when we get the love of the people then things become bigger.