Winter Special: Take special care of hair in winter, read inside story
Rahul Tiwari January 01, 2025 07:21 PM

Some home remedies can be useful to make hair shiny in winter. According to the doctor, you can adopt the following home remedies for dry hair. If you are one of those people whose hair becomes dry and lifeless in winter, then we can understand your problem. Because dry hair not only affects your personality, but also starts falling.


Adopt these home remedies

Actually, with the drop in temperature, your hair needs adequate moisture… Let us tell you that, with the drop in temperature, your hair may stop absorbing or retaining adequate moisture, making them lifeless, weak and Become brittle. So you can also adopt some home remedies. Today we are telling you about home hair products which make hair soft and silky.

use hot oil

To nourish your hair and remove dryness, apply a good warm oil like olive oil or coconut oil at least an hour before washing.

Use chemical free products

You will find many shampoos in the market but you should use such shampoo which is sulphate and paraben free. Oil based or conditioner based shampoos are also best in winters. Use hair conditioners that contain moisturizers so that your hair gets moisture. Avoid excessive hair coloring or any other hair treatments made with harmful chemicals.

Avoid bathing with hot water

Wash your hair with lukewarm water instead of hot water as cold water seals the cuticles, losing moisture.

Reduce Heat Styling

Heat stylers used to curl, straighten or thicken hair can dry out your hair every time you use them… avoid them.

Don't wash your hair every day

Along with removing dirt and sweat from your hair, shampoo also removes sebum from your hair which is the natural oil present in the hair which makes the hair shiny. To keep hair healthy and keep sebum away, you need to wash your hair three times a week.

How does lack of sebum affect hair texture?

When your scalp doesn't produce enough sebum, which is its natural oil, your hair can become very dry and lose its shine. Sebum helps moisturize and protect your hair, so without enough of it, your hair can become more brittle and prone to breakage. It keeps your hair healthy and shiny

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