When you make online payment somewhere, many times that platform asks you whether your card should be saved on this platform so that payment can be made quickly in future. This should be avoided.
In today's era, the number of cyber criminals has increased so much that your entire bank account can be emptied due to one mistake. In such a situation, you need to be careful about everything related to your bank account. Especially when it comes to ATM Card or Credit Card, the caution increases even more.
Actually, these are directly connected to your bank account and your mistake regarding them can cost you heavily. Come, now let us tell you which is that number, about which RBI has also said to erase or hide it from the card.
Which number to erase
All the ATM cards or credit cards you have, will definitely have a 3 digit CVV number. This number is called Card Verification Value. This number is required whenever you make payment anywhere, without this number your card is not verified. In such a situation, if this number along with the card information falls into the hands of a fraudster, then your bank account can be emptied.
This is the reason why RBI says that you should always keep the CVV number written on your card hidden or if possible, note it down somewhere and erase it from the card. So that, if your card is ever lost or falls into the wrong hands, then no one can use it and empty your bank account.
Avoid saving the card as well
Apart from this, if you want to avoid online fraud, then avoid saving your card anywhere. Actually, when you make an online payment somewhere, many times that platform asks you whether your card should be saved on this platform so that payment can be made quickly in future. In such a situation, you have to say no. This is because, if the platform is not secure, then your card information will also not be secure. This is why experts advise that while shopping online, never save your card on any useless platform.
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