Mumbai: In a significant crackdown on drug trafficking, the Sakinaka police arrested a notorious drug dealer, Appu Bihari Mandal, 29. The police recovered 8 grams of MD (mephedrone) worth Rs 1.20 lakh during the operation. The arrest was made on January 1 in Sakinaka, and the accused has been remanded to police custody until January 4.
The action was taken based on information received from reliable sources. Acting on the tip-off, the police laid a trap and apprehended the accused at Chandivali Farm Road, Sakinaka at 2.52 am on January 2. According to authorities, Mandal resides in Powai and hails from Jesuda village in Bihar.
Mandal has a history of criminal activity, with three previous cases registered against him at the Powai police station. Sources reveal that he operates under the influence of a large criminal network led by Newton Samuel Joshua. Mandal is suspected to play a key role in distributing narcotics across various parts of the city, making this bust a significant blow to the drug syndicate's operations.
Police Sub-Inspector Ajit Lonkar, who executed the operation under the guidance of Senior Police Inspector Sanjay Hazare, stated that the investigation is still in its preliminary stage, and further details cannot be disclosed at this time.
This arrest is part of the Sakinaka Police Station's ongoing efforts to combat the spread of illegal substances and curb drug-related activities in the area. The police are continuing their investigation to uncover further connections within the broader drug distribution network and are also probing possible links to other suspects involved in the syndicate.