There is a lot of discussion about the love angle of former Indian cricket team player Shikhar Dhawan and Bollywood actress Huma Qureshi. However, it has not been confirmed whether these two are going to get into a relationship or not. But both these AI generated images are becoming quite viral. Here we will tell you about the car collection of these two. Who among the two has more cars? Who has the more expensive car collection? Read its complete details here.
The net worth of cricket world's Gabbar Shikhar Dhawan is around 17 million dollars (about Rs 142 crore). Whereas Huma Qureshi's total net worth is around Rs 23 crore. In terms of net worth, Shikhar won. Now let us tell who has more cars.
The car collection of former Indian opening bowler Shikhar Dhawan includes many luxury vehicles. Audi A6 (price-64-70 lakh rupees), BMW 6 GT, BMW M8, Range Rover Sports, Mercedes-Benz GLS, Range Rover Velar and Range Rover Autobiography are parked in Shikhar's garage. If we talk about his bike collection, there are luxury bikes in Gabbar's bike collection. This includes Suzuki Hayabusa to Harley Davidson Fat Boy and Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14R.
Beauty queen Huma has many luxury cars. In which the names of many top brands come. This includes cars like Mercedes-Benz and Land Rover. In the past years, Huma had included another car in her collection, whose name is Mercedes-Benz GLS Class. The price of this car is around Rs 1.19 crore.
If we talk about Huma Qureshi's first car, she had a Land Rover car. The actress had bought this car with her own earnings. Huma likes to drive cars, her car number is 1400.