Sanjay Singh, an MP for the Aam Aadmi Party, attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party harshly on Friday, claiming that the party had removed voter names from the list of candidates for the Delhi Assembly elections and that the BJP was planning to win the election via a “electoral scam.”
“The BJP is launching a campaign to get the names of voters in Arvind Kejriwal’s assembly seat removed. “This is a fraud,” he said.
Speaking to a few voters in the New Delhi assembly seat, the AAP Rajya Sabha MP said that this attempt specifically targets those who have lived in the region for years and added, “If they can get their names deleted from the list, they can do anything with them.”
“Please review this voter list to discover how the BJP is purposefully waging a campaign to remove votes from folks who have lived in Arvind Kejriwal’s assembly seat (New Delhi) for years.An inquiry has to be conducted, and the Election Commission need to take note of it,” Singh said.
Singh said that the party has expressed concerns about the subject to the Election Commission and asked that it be looked into.
“We have been complaining about it to the Election Commission on a regular basis. “The BJP wants to use an electoral scam to win the election,” he said.
AAP spokeswoman Priyanka Kakkar said earlier Monday that the BJP was trying to influence voters in Delhi, particularly in the Shadara seat, where she says BJP leader Vishal Bharadwaj filed petitions to have voter names removed.
Kakkar further claimed that BJP leader Parvesh Sharma sent contradictory petitions to the Election Commission for voter additions and deletions, as well as distributing money for votes in the New Delhi seat.
“The BJP seeks to reduce the number of Purvanchalis in Delhi who cast ballots. A BJP member named Vishal Bharadwaj filed petitions to have the identities of voters in the Shadara seat removed. “He stopped it when we voiced our opposition to it,” Kakkar stated.
“BJP leader Parvesh Sharma handled the task of allocating funds for votes in the New Delhi seat. A BJP representative applied to the ECI to have the names of the voters removed. Another application was made to add voter names. “The BJP is shaken,” she said.
Virendraa Sachdeva, the president of the Delhi BJP, charged the AAP on Thursday of using multiple voting to rig the elections.
He said that on the voter lists for the forthcoming assembly elections in the nation’s capital, Sanjay Singh, an AAP Rajya Sabha MP, has been included for both the Tilak Nagar and New Delhi legislatures. He further asked that similar cases be taken seriously by the Delhi Police and the Election Commission.
The Delhi BJP President went on to criticize AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal, claiming that he has no plans to deal with important problems like contaminated water, damaged roads, etc.
The conflict between the AAP and BJP has intensified ahead of the February 2025 Delhi Assembly elections, with both parties accusing one another.