The Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE has released the answer key for Central Teaching Eligibity Test, CTET Answer key this week. The answer key objection window is scheduled to close tommorrow, January 5. CBSE will prepare the final answer key and result after going through the objections raised by candidates. CBSE will release the revised or final answer key in case any of the objections raised are found correct. The answer key can be checked on Official notice reads, "There is a provision for the candidates to challenge the answer keys through the link available on the website from 01/01/2025 to 05/01/2025 (upto 11:59PM).A fee of Rs. 1000/- per question is required to be submitted through credit/debit card.The fee once paid is non-refundable. If the challenge is accepted by the Board i.e. if any mistake is noticed bythesubjectexperts in the answer key, a policy decision will be notified and the fee shall be refunded."
CBSE Answer Key PDF 2024: How to Check or Download