Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan has earned a big name in a short time in his career. When he initially came, he was not noticed that much and it took time for the actor to make his mark. Once he became popular, the actor never looked back and gave amazing performances. It was said about him that whenever he was on screen, he used to grab all the attention. Even good actors would become speechless in front of him. But do you know that there was a time when Irrfan Khan used to start crying before shooting every scene during the shooting of a TV series. Do you know why actors used to do this?
Irrfan Khan was born on 7 January 1967. The actor took acting training from the National School of Drama. The actor started his career with the film Salaam Bombay. After this he appeared in many films and TV series. In the year 2010, he did a TV series named In Treatment. This was an American TV series. Earlier, the actor had become popular among the general audience by doing films like Maqbool and Haasil. During the shooting of this series, something happened with Irrfan that the actor started crying during the shooting of every scene.
Irrfan Khan was born on 7 January 1967. His 57th birth anniversary is on 7th January. The actor took acting training from the National School of Drama. The actor started his career with the film Salaam Bombay. After this he appeared in many films and TV series. In the year 2010, he did a TV series named In Treatment. This was an American TV series. Earlier, the actor had become popular among the general audience by doing films like Maqbool and Haasil. During the shooting of this series, something happened with Irrfan that the actor started crying during the shooting of every scene.