A young man was apprehended while trying to take pictures within the Ram Mandir complex in Ayodhya with a camera hidden in his spectacles. The person known as Jaykumar from Vadodara, Gujarat, was arrested by officials for breaching security measures in the temple premises. Reports indicate that the suspect possessed a concealed camera within his glasses, which he intended to use for capturing unauthorized images of the temple's inner sanctum.
The Ram Mandir complex enforces a strict ban on mobile phones and cameras on its grounds to ensure privacy and security. The event has sparked worries about the security protocols at one of India's most esteemed and prominent religious locations.
An X user (formerly Twitter) Sachin Gupta took the incident on his page, @SachinGuptaUP, with a caption that read: राम मंदिर अयोध्या में चश्मे के अंदर फिट कैमरे से अंदर की तस्वीरें लेता युवक पकड़ा !! ये युवक गुजरात के वडोदरा का जयकुमार है। पुलिस और खुफिया एजेंसियां पूछताछ कर रही हैं। राम मंदिर परिसर में मोबाइल ले जाना और तस्वीरें खींचना प्रतिबंधित है।
which translates to: A young man was caught taking pictures of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya using a camera fitted inside his glasses. This young man is Jaikumar from Vadodara, Gujarat. Police and intelligence agencies are interrogating him. Carrying mobile phones and taking photographs is prohibited inside the Ram Mandir premises.
Law enforcement and intelligence officials have initiated an inquiry into the situation, interrogating Jaykumar to discern his motives and the reason for the camera. Officials are also investigating if this was a singular event or part of a broader plan. The covert act of taking pictures within such a hallowed location may pose significant security risks, and the inquiry is still in progress.
This incident has led to demands for enhanced security measures at places of worship, particularly for those of great national significance such as the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.