There is a big net of brokers spread at the RTO office of the capital Lucknow, complaints about which were made several times to Lucknow District Magistrate Suryapal Gangwar. On Tuesday, District Magistrate Suryapal Gangwar suddenly reached the RTO office. Seeing the DM in the RTO office, there was panic among the officers present there. Joint CP Amit Kumar was also present along with the District Magistrate, who inspected the entire RTO office and talked with the officials.
After complaints from many people, District Magistrate Suryapal Gangwar and Joint Commissioner Amit Kumar arrived on Tuesday. He expressed his displeasure after seeing the entire web of brokers spread outside the RTO office. Not only this, RTO officials were also reprimanded. Many other people present there were also scolded and instructed that brokers have no place here.
Suryapal Gangwar instructed the officials of the RTO office that there is no place for any kind of brokers here. If any further complaint is received or any broker is seen outside the RTO office, strict action will be taken.
Let us tell you that the Lucknow RTO office has been occupied by brokers for many years. People coming to the RTO office first encounter these brokers. The brokers work in a wrong way by taking more money from outside, due to which even then the work of the people who come to RTO is not done right and they keep visiting the RTO office again. It is alleged that many RTO office officials are also involved in this, who work as brokers.
This information was given to the DM, after which a surprise inspection of the RTO office was conducted today by DM Suryapal Gangwar and instructions were given to all the officers that there should be no entry of any kind of broker. No broker should be allowed to gather outside the office. If anyone is found, action will be taken against whichever officer is present at that time.