Famous Hindi cinema actress Poonam Dhillon has ruled everyone's hearts with her acting. A news related to Poonam Dhillon is coming out. It has been learned that the house of the veteran actress has been burgled. According to the information received, the police has arrested the accused. The name of the arrested person is said to be Sameer Ansari. There has been a theft in Poonam Dhillon's house located in Khas, Mumbai. The thief is accused of stealing a diamond necklace, Rs 35,000 in cash and American dollars.
If reports are to be believed, painting work was going on at Poonam Dhillon's house. He was doing painting work for the last several days. Meanwhile, when his eyes fell on the open cupboard of the house, as soon as he got the chance, he wiped his hands and stole the valuable things and ran away. Poonam Dhillon mostly lives in her Juhu house. But his son Anmol lives in the house in Khar. The actress often stays at her son's house also.
According to the information received, when Poonam's son returned home from Dubai, he found valuables missing from the house. The report revealed that the accused had also spent the stolen cash. The police started investigating the matter as soon as the complaint was received. During the investigation, the police arrested Sameer Ansari. Ansari's age is 37 years. It is believed that Ansari was at Poonam Dhillon's house from December 28 to January 5 during the painting work. When the police interrogated Sameer Ansari, he confessed to his crime.
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Veteran actress Poonam Dhillon was one of the best actresses of the 80s and 90s. He has worked in many films. Poonam Dhillon used to be the top actress of her time. People liked Poonam Dhillon's film Sohni Mahiwal very much. In this film, she was seen on the big screen with Sunny Deol. Poonam Dhillon started her acting career with the film Trishul. Poonam Dhillon has also been a part of Bigg Boss.