The new promo of Bigg Boss 18 has taken the social media by storm, after watching which the excitement of the fans has increased, as the contestants can be seen fighting to make their place in the finale with the 'Ticket to Finale' task. Total 6 contestants for 'Ticket to Finale' are Vivian Dsena, Eisha Singh, Chum Darang, Avinash Mishra, Shilpa Shirodkar and Karan Veer Mehra. Veer Mehra) are competing, in which Rajat Dalal is playing an important role by giving eggs to them.
Who is Karan Veer Mehra playing for?
Let us tell you that in the 'Ticket to Finale' test, Karan Veer Mehra can be seen playing for Chum Darang. It is shown in the promo that Karan is winning the race and reaches Rajat Dalal first with a big egg in his hand. When he was asked who he was playing for, he took the name of 'Chum Darang'. Praising Karan's attitude, Rajat said, “I like people who play for others.” Read More – 2025 Holiday Calendar: There will be a total of 38 holidays in the year 2025, see the complete list here…
Whereas, unlike Karan Veer Mehra, Avinash Mishra writes his name on all the three eggs he collects while playing. This decision of Avinash has disappointed Eisha Singh and Vivian Dsena. In the middle of the task, Avinash suddenly blocked Karan's path, due to which Karan fell. An angry Karan Veer Mehra said to Avinash Mishra, “You pushed me while being fair, so have some shame, friend.” Responding to this, Avinash said, “I can play fair only as long as I am played fairly.” Read More – New Year 2025: Do these 5 things on the first day of the new year, the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi will remain throughout the year…
As the show is reaching its final stages, the game is becoming more interesting. In a recent episode, contestants were required to track 13 minutes accurately for nomination. The housemates were divided into three teams, and the team that failed to get closer in time faced nomination. The team of Rajat Dalal, Shrutika Arjun and Chahat Pandey were disqualified for violating work rules, resulting in their name being nominated for eviction.