Mumbai: The highly popular reality show Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Salman Khan, is inching closer to its grand finale scheduled for January 19. With just nine contestants left in the house, the competition has reached its peak, and fans are eagerly waiting to see who will make it to the final week.
However, as the finale nears, the show has planned some shocking twists, including a surprising double elimination that is set to shake things up this week.
In the latest nominations task, three contestants — Rajat Dalal, Shrutika Arjun, and Chahat Pandey found themselves in the danger zone. One elimination will take place mid-week, while the second will happen during the Weekend Ka Vaar.
Insiders close to the production team have revealed that Rajat Dalal is almost certain to be eliminated mid-week, and Chahat Pandey is likely to follow him during the weekend. Shrutika Arjun, who has been a strong and entertaining contestant throughout the season, seems to have a higher chance of surviving the elimination round.
Rajat Dalal’s potential exit has come as a massive shock to fans, who had high hopes of seeing him not only in the finale but also as one of the top two contenders.
Known for his bold gameplay and strong presence, Rajat has been a consistent topic of discussion throughout the season. His sudden elimination is bound to leave viewers disappointed and create ripples in the house.
Meanwhile, Chahat Pandey, who has had a mixed journey in the house, also seems to be on shaky ground.
With the finale just days away, the stakes are higher than ever, and every move counts. The double elimination is sure to change the dynamics of the house as the remaining contestants fight tooth and nail for a spot in the coveted finale week.
Stay tuned to for more interesting scoops and updates on Bigg Boss 18.