The grand finale of Salman Khan's popular reality show Bigg Boss 18 is going to be held on January 19. There is a tremendous buzz among the fans about the show. Many popular faces have been seen in this season, including Vivian Dsena and Karanvir Mehra from the TV world. However, leaving these stars behind, one contestant is garnering the most attention and it is being said that he can become the winner of Bigg Boss. Let us tell you that this is none other than Rajat Dalal.
Rajat Dalal's name is at the top as the most popular contestant on the show. According to the report, Rajat Dalal topped the ratings from 28 December to 3 January. Vivian Dsena is in the second position, while Karanvir Mehra is in the third position. Earlier, Rajat was at the number one position in the ratings from 21 to 27 December and 14 to 20 December.
Rajat Dalal is also far ahead of the other contestants on social media. He has 2.8 million followers on Instagram, while Vivian Dsena has 1.5 million and Karanvir Mehra has around 6 lakh followers. Rajat's strong fan following is supporting him a lot in the show. Let us tell you that in the last season of Bigg Boss, it has been seen that the trophy has been in the name of social media influencers. The winner of Bigg Boss 17 was Munawar Farooqui, who is a standup comedian and influencer. Rapper MC Stan won Bigg Boss 16. At the same time, the winner of Bigg Boss OTT 2 was social media influencer Elvish Yadav.
There are only a few days left for the finale of the show and Rajat Dalal's name is constantly in the news. Fans are hoping that this time too the Bigg Boss trophy will go to some influencer. Now it remains to be seen whether Rajat is able to convert his popularity into victory or no.