Like every year, in Colors TV's reality show 'Bigg Boss 18', all the contestants were given a chance to reach the finale directly. In every season of Bigg Boss, by winning the task of 'Ticket to Finale', one of the finalists in the show is given a chance to directly reach the grand finale of Salman Khan's show. But to reach there, one contestant has to win the task of 'Ticket to Finale'. This task also happened in the season of Bigg Boss 18, but what happened next in this task has never happened in the entire history of Bigg Boss.
In the first round of 'Ticket to Finale' held in Bigg Boss house, Karanvir Mehra, playing for Chum, took her to the final round and Vivian Dsena reached the final round of this task on her own. The last match of 'Ticket to Finale' was between Vivian Dsena and Chum Darang and in this match Chum got badly injured. Despite being injured, Chum did not stop his task. Throughout this task, Chum was made to fall several times by Vivian Dsena. Finally, after the timeout was announced, Rajat Dalal declared Vivian Dsena the winner.
When Bigg Boss announced that Vivian Dsena had won the 'Ticket to Finale', then Vivian refused to take this ticket. Bigg Boss gave his darling a chance to go straight to the finale, but he rejected it. Actually, due to the injury Chum Darang suffered at the hands of Vivian, Vivian said that he does not want to take 'Ticket to Finale'. After Vivian refused, Bigg Boss gave the ticket to Chum Darang. But Chum also refused to take this ticket. Chum said that she has not won this task and hence she does not want to take this ticket.
Bigg Boss did not like the attitude of Chum and Vivian at all and he said that this year he will not give 'Ticket to Finale' to any contestant. Vivian Dsena and Chum Darang are the first two contestants in the history of Bigg Boss, who have themselves rejected the chance to go to the grand finale.