Renowned South Indian actress Keerthy Suresh who recently made her debut in Bollywood starred opposite Varun Dhawan in the film Baby Jaan. In a candid moment Varun revealed during an interview that several Bollywood actors often asked for Keerthy’s contact number. However he always declined knowing she wasn’t single.
Upon hearing about Varun’s remarks Keerthy expressed pleasant surprise and humorously shared in her own interview “Had I known this earlier I would have felt flattered that people were asking for my number. But Varun being aware of my relationship status rightly chose not to share it”
•Keerthy shares her love story
Recently Keerthy opened up about her long kept love story. When asked how she and her partner Antony Thattal managed to keep their relationship under wraps for so many years Keerthy explained “Hardly anyone knew about us except a few close friends. In the industry only Samantha, Atlee Priya Vijay sir and Jagadish were aware of our story.”
She also addressed her preference for privacy saying “Antony and I are very private people. We’ve been planning our wedding since April 2022 and I often thought the news would leak before we made it official.
Antony is quite shy about media attention and we avoid public displays of affection. That’s why you’d never see us holding hands or being overtly expressive in public.
•A grand Ddestination wedding
In December 2024 Keerthy and Antony tied the knot in a grand destination wedding in Goa. The pictures from their lavish ceremony quickly went viral on social media garnering immense love from fans and colleagues alike.
•The setback of Baby Jaan
Despite her Bollywood debut being much anticipated Keerthy’s film Baby Jaan directed by Kalyes turned out to be a box office disappointment. Made on a hefty budget of ₹160 crores the film struggled to cross the ₹50 crore mark globally.
While her Bollywood debut didn’t hit the mark Keerthy continues to be a celebrated figure in Indian cinema with fans eagerly awaiting her next projects.
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