Mumbai: The Mumbai Police’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW) conducted raids at six locations as part of its investigation into the multi-crore fraud involving Torres Company. The raids targeted the company’s offices in Dadar, Lower Parel, and Opera House, along with the residences of three accused individuals in Colaba, Umerkhadi (Dongri), and Dombivli.
During the operation, the EOW seized ₹3 crore in cash from the company’s offices and the residences of the accused. The cash was counted using two specialized machines. Several crucial documents were also recovered. Confirming the action, a senior EOW official identified the arrested individuals as Tania Casatova (Uzbekistan) from Colaba, Valentina Ganesh Kumar (Russia) from Dombivli, and Sarvesh Surve from Umerkhadi.
According to EOW sources, absconding accused Mohammed Tausif Riaz, alias John Carter, has submitted a 182-page report. The report alleges that the same individuals behind the Torres fraud were also responsible for the 2019 B2B jewelry scam in Ukraine and Russia. This report, shared with other agencies, is currently under scrutiny.
The investigation revealed that foreign suspects, including Valentina Kumar, Tania Casatova, and Victoria Kovalenko, used fake identification documents to purchase Indian SIM cards, reportedly paying over ₹12,000 for each. The SIM cards were allegedly procured from Nepal. Two of these suspects have been arrested.
The EOW suspects that Torres Company operated a Ponzi scheme under the guise of a jewelry business. Evidence of tax evasion and money laundering has emerged. Arrested suspect Sarvesh Surve claimed he was a director and shareholder but denied involvement in the company’s operations. This claim is under investigation.
Fraud Scope and Online Activities:
The EOW is also examining Torres Company’s Instagram account, where misleading posts and videos continue to lure victims. The Cyber Cell is aiding in identifying the locations and individuals responsible for these activities. Three bank accounts linked to Torres Company have been frozen, with further efforts underway to seize additional assets.
Official estimates currently place the fraud at ₹23 crore. However, authorities suspect it could exceed ₹1,000 crore, given the increasing number of complaints.
Complaints and Seizures
DCP Sangramsingh Nishandar (EOW) confirmed that more than 350 complaint forms have been received so far. “Cash exceeding ₹3 crore, silver, stones, investment papers, and other valuables have been seized. Over 15 luxury cars were delivered to customers, with five more bookings still pending,” he stated, emphasizing that the investigation is ongoing.
A Look-Out Circular (LOC) has been issued against Victoria Kovalenko (38), a resident of Ukraine, and Mohammed Tausif Riyaz alias John Carter (33), a resident of Mumbai.