Shankar 's directorial 'Game Changer' has hit the big screens today (Jan 10), and the director spending huge money for the Ram Charan starrer turned out to be a major topic on social media. Before commenting on why Shankar spent Rs 75 crore for 'Game Changer' songs, it's worth considering his history of lavish spending on music and visuals. Back in 1998, Shankar allocated Rs 2 crore for a single song in 'Jeans', which featured visuals covering all seven wonders of the world within just five minutes—an extraordinary feat at the time. For context, this is in stark contrast to Rajinikanth's 'Arunachalam', which had an entire movie budget of Rs 5 crore. Additionally, Shankar's second film, 'Jeans', was one of the costliest Indian movies at the time, setting a benchmark in the industry for production values and grand scale. This history of ambitious projects and groundbreaking visuals reflects why Shankar continues to push boundaries with his high-budget productions.
'Game Changer' is a high-octane action thriller, featuring a star-studded cast led by Ram Charan in a pivotal role. The movie’s plot is shrouded in mystery, but it is expected to explore themes of power, conflict, and transformation, typical of Shankar's signature storytelling style. Known for his larger-than-life cinematic experience, Shankar is expected to bring a unique narrative that blends social commentary with gripping action sequences. With top-tier visual effects and cutting-edge technology, 'Game Changer' promises to be a game-changer for Indian cinema .
The ensemble cast of 'Game Changer' includes several renowned actors, including Kiara Advani , who plays the female lead, and several prominent supporting actors. The film's crew boasts a talented team with Thaman composing the music, adding another layer of excitement. The much-awaited film has got a grand opening and is receiving mixed reviews from the audience.