During the Mahakumbh starting from January 13 in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, non-veg has been banned in all the railway station premises of Varanasi and in the pantries of trains. RPF, GRP and CRPF personnel will be alert for the safety of passengers. Their internal team will become active when the train arrives and departs so that the passengers can be taken out of the platform safely and they can be guided.
This information was given by Arpit Gupta, Director of Varanasi Cantt Railway Station. The station director said that three helpdesks have been made for the convenience of the passengers, one at the main entry and two in the holding area. He told that the medical team will remain active at the railway station. Para medical staff will also be present along with the doctor. 108 ambulance service will be present at the entry and exit gates of the station.
Varanasi Divisional Commissioner held a review meeting regarding Mahakumbh. It was decided in the meeting that the fares for auto, e-rickshaw and motor boat would be fixed. No more fare will be charged from passengers and devotees. In view of the reverse flow, special care will be taken of cleanliness and security around the station, Ganga Ghat and religious places, especially from Basant Panchami to Mahashivratri. From pothole-free roads to cleanliness and basic facilities at the ghats, special attention has to be paid.
District Magistrate S Rajalingam said that in view of the safety of the devotees, water police and NDRF personnel will be active on both sides of the ghat. Places for bathing will be ensured and divers will be kept active. During Maha Kumbh, the cleanliness campaign will continue on a war footing in the entire city. Sign boards will be installed at important places for the convenience of travelers and devotees. A review has also been done regarding crowd management in Vishwanath temple. The administration is trying to ensure that every devotee who comes to Kashi from Prayagraj for the Maha Kumbh should take back a happy feeling and sweet memories from here.