Aligarh: The Kanpur-bound railway line was severely disrupted on Sunday morning when the Vande Bharat Express, which was travelling to Ayodhya, encountered an engine failure close to ITI, Aligarh. Six trains, including the Shatabdi Express, were stopped for more than two hours as a result of the event until the problem was fixed and the train was able to continue its trip.
The Vande Bharat Express was twenty minutes behind time. It leaves from Anand Vihar Terminal and is supposed to reach Aligarh at 7:30 AM. The engine broke down close to ITI in Aligarh around 7:45 AM. To stop the train, the pilot used the emergency brakes.
Traffic Delays Due to Technical Issues
To solve the problem, a technical team from the Carriage and Wagon Department of Aligarh was sent out right away. The crew fixed the engine’s partial technical issue in around 90 minutes. The Shatabdi Express, Neelanchal Express, Muri Express, and Seemanchal Express were among the trains that were momentarily stopped in the meantime.
Later, the impacted Vande Bharat Express was relocated to Aligarh Station’s Platform No. 2 for further examination. The crew fixed the engine’s reverser problem under the direction of technician Anil Kumar and technical in-charge R.B. Singh. At 10:00 AM, the train left for Kanpur after a comprehensive inspection. Station authorities and security guards were on duty throughout the roughly two-hour delay caused by the event.