Like the year 2024, in the year 2025 too, the South has taken hold and from the very beginning big films have started releasing one after the other. Already Ram Charan's film Game Changer is earning well. Apart from this, Nandamuri Balakrishna's film Daku Maharaj has also been released and predictions of better earning figures are coming out. Apart from this, South director Trindha Rao Nakkina's film is also coming in 2025. Recently there was a trailer launch event of his film Mazaka. Many people including the cast of the film participated in it.
South actress Anshu Ambani is going to make a comeback with this film after 20 years. During this time, the director of the film gave a controversial statement regarding the actress. There has been an uproar since then. Trindha has already been trolled a lot for her statements on social media. Now once again he is being criticized for his derogatory remarks about women. The actress is also looking very embarrassed after the statement given by the director in the gathering for the actress who is making a comeback after two decades. Strong reaction of people is being seen on Trinadha's video.
South director Trinadha has already faced strong reactions from people for his controversial statements. This time too, social media users seem to be in no mood to forgive him. One person wrote - I am shocked, the way the director of the film has reacted to the actress, the actress seems embarrassed. Another person wrote – The director's comment about Anshu is very condemnable. One person wrote – Lewd mentality, lewd statement, the actress is clearly looking uncomfortable. This doesn't look funny at all, rather it looks vulgar. Talking about Anshu, he was a part of films like Misamma, Jai and Raghavendra. Now she is making a comeback in Telugu cinema after more than 20 years. Talking about the teaser of the film, it is getting positive response from fans.