New Delhi: After Shrutika Arjun’s elimination from the house, only seven contestants remain in the race for the Bigg Boss 18 trophy. With less than a week to the Bigg Boss 18 grand finale (scheduled to air on January 19, 2025), the contestants will be facing harsh questions directly from the media.
The latest Bigg Boss 18 episode (January 13) will see contestants rebutting the controversial opinions and the questions the media will bring them. A promo clip into the episode shows a journalist asking Vivian if his denial to accept the ‘Ticket to Finale’ was to keep his ‘good boy image intact or if was it a deeper game plan. Similarly, Shilpa Shirodkar also faced burning questions regarding her Vivian-Karan situation in the season.
Now that the finale is closer than ever, who will manage to win the audience’s heart and take the Bigg Boss 18 trophy home? Catch the latest Bigg Boss 18 live updates right here!