Actor Gurcharan Singh, who played the role of Roshan Singh Sodhi in the small screen hit show 'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah', is in the news these days. Gurucharan has been admitted to the hospital in critical condition. Gurucharan Singh Sodhi is admitted in a hospital in Delhi. Gurucharan Singh alias Sodhi has not eaten food for a long time. His health is very bad. Last month, after his condition worsened, his friends and family members forcibly admitted him to a hospital in Delhi.
According to TV 9 sources, Gurucharan has not eaten food for about 20 to 25 days. There are also reports that he was not eating properly since May 2024. When his condition worsened, he was taken to the hospital. Here the doctors have given him glucose and he is being treated. According to reports, Gurucharan does not want to live anymore. He wants to die.
He says that he wants to offer his life and body to Guru Nanak Dev Ji but not by committing suicide but by giving up food and water. Sodhi has almost stopped talking to friends and relatives. TV 9 Bharatvarsh talked to his close friend and actor Bhakti Soni about this. Bhakti told that Sodhi is suffering from financial crisis and health problems and has himself predicted his death. He wanted to leave his body on 14th January i.e. Makar Sankranti. Bhakti told that we all got him admitted to the hospital.
The actor's friend Bhakti told that he was neither eating food nor drinking water for the last 19 days. Due to this he became unconscious and was immediately admitted to the hospital. When he came back from the hospital, he tried to get work, but no one gave him work. He is thinking of taking retirement and has also become quite religious. Referring to his last conversation with the actor, Bhakti said that when we last talked, he had told me that I should understand this by 13 or 14 January. I will decide whether I will stay on this earth or not. These were his words. His parents are very worried about his health, but Gurucharan is not listening to anyone. Gurucharan has not married yet. He has two brothers. He also has ancestral property in Mumbai.
While talking to TV 9 Bharatvarsh, Soni also revealed how much debt Gurucharan has. He told that he was in debt of Rs 1.2 crore. Although his father has assets worth Rs 55 crores, there is a controversy going on regarding this also. As soon as this matter is resolved and the property is sold, they will be free from debt. He told that at the time when the actor was in greatest need, even his family was not with him. Only his friends were with him, a friend from Delhi was helping him with money. Recently, Gurucharan had posted a post on his Instagram in which he was seen on the hospital bed. He had congratulated everyone on Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti and given an update on his health. The actor's fans are very worried about his condition.
Report- Jaiprakash Singh