New Delhi [India], January 15 (ANI): bihar-governor">Bihar Governor Arif Mohammed Khan called on President Droupadi Murmu at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on Wednesday. A photo from the interaction was posted on social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) by the official handle of Rashtrapari Bhawan."Governor of Bihar, Shri Arif Mohammed Khan called on President Droupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan," the message accompanying the photo read. Khan was already serving as the Governor of Kerala when he was reassigned to Bihar. Khan's counterpart at the time, Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar, was reassigned to Kerala. Khan took oath as the Governor of Bihar earlier this month, on January 2. He was administered the oath by Patna High Court Chief Justice K Vinod Chandran at a ceremony held at Patna Raj Bhavan. Following the swearing-in, Khan had said, "I have just taken the oath. Bihar has a magnificent history and the people of Bihar have great potential - they are running the entire system of the country." Before taking charge, Khan paid floral tributes to late former president Rajendra Prasad in Patna.As per the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the newly appointed Governor of Manipur, Ajay Kumar Bhalla, also called on the President during the day.Bhalla's appointment as the Governor of Manipur came amidst the ongoing ethnic unrest in the state. Both Khan and Bhalla are among the five serving Governors whose appointments were notified last month. Bhalla, the former Union Home Secretary, is serving his first term as governor. Earlier, Manipur CM N Biren Singh welcomed the appointment of Ajay Kumar Bhalla as the 19th Governor, saying that Bhalla's appointment reflects the central government's seriousness in resolving Manipur's issues.Speaking to media, CM Biren Singh said, "Appointing one of the most intelligent and competent persons as the governor of Manipur during this time shows serious concern of the central govt in resolving Manipur issues. I know Ajay Kumar Bhalla, he is well-experienced and held many important positions in the central govt, mainly the Home Department. He knows about the Manipur issue very well." (ANI)